There was a tunnel

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There was a tunnel... Gregg didn't know what was at the end of it. To be honest he didn't really want to find out, But he didn't really have a choice. No one who went into the tunnels had a choice. They were as good as mice in a cat infested maze... except no one knew what the cats really were. No one came back once they went in, no information was ever able to be gathered, and Gregg knew this, yet he went down any way. 

They say no one can resist its call once you hear it.

The music.

More beautiful then a favorite song.

Enough to make a person cry from an emotion no one can name.

A lantern Guided Gregg's way, its light being cast upon surprisingly clean walls.

Gregg had heard the call, and it inspired him, he was going to be the one to return. The song gave him faith, he was so lost in the call that he didn't even flinch when a blur shot across his line of sight.

Didn't falter.

His steps remained true.

To the heart of the noise, his steps constant, confident and headed into a place that no one had ever returned from.

His lantern arm never shook.

His eyes never strayed.

The song commanded him to never stray from precise movements. Hence the confident steps, the unwavering tempo he created as strode forward into the heart, hence the unshaking arm, the straight stare, the straight face.

But the song commanded that of everyone, and only people who feared the dark the most would ever hear the gorgeous melody inspiring them to march straight into it.

No one ever knew that just by hearing the melody they were doomed, in fact they weren't even aware they were hearing a melody. They only had a vague feeling that they were down here against their will.

The melody always told the cats what the victims name was as it led them here as an offering... a meal, in return the cats destroyed the victims, they were guardians.

Gregg passed into the melodic chamber, the melody a heart beat.

Then I struck...

Gregg never stood a chance.

I'm the cat, the guardian, the monster.


lmao a little bit of a gap between shorts, I hope its decent. I'm a little sleep deprived.


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