Ted's Trunk

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Schlatt got into the driver's seat, Cooper already sat next to him. "Are you all ready?" Schlatt exclaimed. A variation of yeah's were heard, and Schlatt finally got out of the driveway. They were taking a trip from Oregon, to Oklahoma to go to a concert. Schlatt was driving, Cooper was in the passenger seat, Traves was on the left of the back seat, Charlie in the middle, and Carson on the right. Then there was Ted, who was in their trunk.

It was an open trunk, connected to the car, so if they wanted him, they could just talk to him. He had brought a huge bag with him back there, and he had made it really comfy. He put down some padding on the "ground" and put a blanket over it. He had put tons of pillows all around, and off in the corner was the bag, with two blankets on top of it, and hidden behind one of the pillows were an outlet with a charger, and a flashlight right near it.

They were 1 hour in on the drive, and on a highway. As the GPS was telling next direction, Carson heard a straw from behind him. "Ted, what are you even doing? Carson questioned, before looking behind the seat, to see Ted drinking a fruit punch Caprisun. "I'm drinking a Caprisun." Ted said, casually, leaning against a pillow, scrolling on twitter. Carson couldn't help but laugh. "Oh wait, I got something for you! Ted exclaimed. Carson watched Ted look through the bag in the corner, and then Ted pulled out 3 fruit snack packs, and 3 Caprisuns. "Here! It's for you, Traves, and Charlie!" Ted exclaimed, handing Carson the "gifts." Carson then handed the stuff to Traves and Charlie, all thanking Ted.

It was dark, and now Cooper was the one driving. Carson, sleepily, looked behind the seat, and saw Ted, comfortably asleep. "Hey Cooper, be careful please, I'm going in the back with Ted." Carson warned Cooper. Carson unbuckled, and climbed over the seat. He sat down on the padded ground, reaching for a blanket. He laid down next to Ted, covered up, comfortably drifting off to sleep.

Ted woke up, and was taken aback by Carson's face in front of his. Ted sat up, looking in the bag. He finally pulled out a tiny bag of chocolate donuts, along with a bag of glazed donuts. He ate 2 glazed donuts, and 3 chocolate. As he was about to close the bags, Carson woke up. "Hmmm.. Give me some." Carson said. Ted gave the bags to Carson, and Carson ate 3 glazed, 2 chocolate donuts.

Traves looked over in the back to see Carson and Ted about to play Uno. "Wait, I'm coming back there too." Traves declared. Traves unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed over the seats. Traves was handed a Caprisun and gummy worms once he sat down.     After 15 minutes of Uno, Carson won. "Hah! Suckers, I'm the president of Uno!" Ted rolled his eyes and smiled, and Traves groaned.

It was almost dark, Charlie was driving, and then Schlatt got a notification. "Uh, guys, the concert just got cancelled." Schlatt said, disappointed. Carson got pissed because he had been waiting for weeks to go, just for it to get cancelled. "God DAMN IT!" Carson yelled. He then started to cry tears of frustration. Ted just hugged him and comforted him by giving him tons of snacks. They ate alot of snacks that night.

Next thing you know, they're back in Oregon, and Traves, Ted, and Carson are on the couch sick from all the sweets they ate, but they said it was worth it. It was worth all the bonding and fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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