Boys Like You (Part Two) - Topper Imagine

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Summary: Based on Boys Like You (Acoustic) by Anna Clendening

Warnings: None?

The lyrics are in italics!


Momma said there'd be boys like you

I snuck out of my house after mom had finished her lecture. I waited by the dock for Topper. I waited for him for what seemed like hours. My mom's words ran through my head. I believed in Topper though. He wasn't what my mom described. Yes, he was handsome and charming, but he wouldn't break my heart.

Tearing my heart in two, doing what you do, best

Every extra minute I waited, I felt worse. Was he standing me up? I laid out there and waited. The only thing I heard was the sound of frogs in the background. No boats. No waves. No Topper. I tried to distract myself by tracing constellations with my finger, pointing at each individual star.

Taking me for a ride, telling me pretty little lies

Finally, I heard a boat. Topper pulled up next to the dock and smiled at me. He helped me onto the boat and asked me how I was. He looked into my eyes and told me he lost track of time. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't all of the truth. There was the faint smell of alcohol on his lips as he leaned in and kissed me. He must've left a party early. I wish he wasn't so embarrassed by me.

But with you, I can't resist

We laid down on the boat in the middle of the marsh. I pointed out Vega, my favorite star. Next, I pointed at Altair. He looked at me and smiled.

"Vega was a celestial goddess and one day a human named Altair caught her eye. She fell in love with him and descended from the heavens to go see him. However, when her dad found out, he was enraged by the thought of her loving a mere human and created the Great Celestial River, or the milky way to us, in order to keep them apart. But, once a year, magpies make a bridge for them across the river so they can be with each other for one night," I said. I cuddled into his arms a little further and stared into his eyes. "You're kinda like Vega to me."

"Yeah, except I'll make sure to come see you every night," he said and kissed me. I could feel the warmth of his hand cupping my cheek as I allowed myself to fall further in love with him. Something about him made me need him.

Maybe momma doesn't always know best

I laid in his arms and tried to think of any way my mom could be right. I couldn't find any though. I laid my head on his chest and listened to the soft thuds of his heartbeat. He was sweet to me. He genuinely cared about me. I believed him when he said he loved me. Her words had been playing in my head all night, but now I finally decided that maybe she wasn't always right.

I'm terrified, but I'll never let you know

He just held me tightly and after a while breathing slowed. He had fallen asleep. I smiled as I snuck a peek at his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful. As I stared at him I began to wonder how many people had seen this face. I wondered about the girls before me and if there would be any after me. Maybe it would be someone that would go to the same college as him. Or someone who could provide for a family and a future together. Someone with a better background or someone his parents would approve of. He shifted a little in his sleep and I put a smile on my face. I never wanted him to see that side of me, the jealous side.

Social suicide, if I ever let it show

Pogues were supposed to be strong, but he made me so weak. If anyone saw how insecure I was around Top, my Pogue life was over. I think it was the same way for him. If his friends saw me, it was over for him. His image would be ruined and he would probably never redeem himself. Sometimes, I think we were doomed from the start, but I even wasn't that weak. I wasn't going to let that stop us from being in love. We just wouldn't show the public what we had.

Everything feels just right

I let my body relax into Top's. I closed my eyes and felt the cool breeze dance across my skin. The moon was small and there was little light out on the water tonight. It was perfect for sleeping. The small waves rocked us a little bit, but it was almost soothing. I could feel myself drifting off to the sound of waves crashing against the boat.

I fall in place, we fall in line

Just like the story I told him earlier, we had fallen. I was in the right place at the right time. I dreamt of the night we met. One step differently and we never would've noticed each other. Somehow, time and space was on our side. It was fate for us to meet. He never gave up trying to find ways to convince me to see him. I dreamt of the days after we met. I tried to ignore him and work, but how could I? I dreamt of the night he drove me home. He told me how he did everything perfectly and it still wasn't enough. That was something I could relate to. I've never felt more comfortable with a stranger before.

I'll never let you go

Then I dreamt of the night I knew I was in love with him. He had picked me up in his car and we drove around. We sat on the beach and he told me about how he thought he loved Sarah. I listened to him talk and pour his heart out about another girl. I felt my stomach sink more and more with every word.

"But then I met you," he said. I looked at him and he smiled a little bit. "I wasn't in love with Sarah. I never wanted to know her the way I want to know you. I think I'm in love with you."

"I think I'm in love with you too," I said shyly. Then his lips were on mine. He really didn't waste time, did he?

So when you hold me, am I the only one?

I woke up when he shifted his weight. I opened my eyes and saw that it was still dark out. Topper's eyes opened too and he pulled me further into his arms. He whispered that he should take me home and I just whimpered in response. I was still mostly asleep as he caressed my hair, twirling it around his fingers as he got towards the ends.

"There's no one else right?" I asked. I couldn't control my mouth when I was barely awake. He just chuckled at me and kissed my forehead.

"You're the only one for me," he whispered back, reassuring my fears. I smiled to myself as he placed a quick peck on my lips and just like that I fell back asleep in his arms.

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