Chapter 2

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Suddenly I heard a knocking on my window and basically leaped out of my chair. I slowly moved towards my window and brushed the curtains aside. You might be able to guess who had climbed my terrace and was currently knocking on my window. "Who are you, the annoying version of fricken Romeo Montague? " I groaned opening my window. To be honest The original Romeo was pretty damn annoying like woe is me i'll never get over Rosaline bam ten second later love at first sight and oh by the way I'm thirteen." "So I presume you came to give me a literature lesson, ?" I spat as he climbed through the window. No actually I'm here to apologize. " I wait for him to continue, but that's it. He's done. "Don't you have some explaining to do?," I ask through gritted teeth. He sighs, "Alright, I tried; so basically I was the one crying...but it totally wasn't a big deal, because you know I just read a sad book alright!...God,!" He puffs. I stare at him and after monitoring a lack of flinching relent, "That...that's really it?" "Yep." "Wow, to be honest, I expected something more interesting from the infamous Cork Murphy!" He chuckles and in a moment of mutual grinning we neglect to remember that he is still on my terrace until we hear a crack. The snap sends him flying directly to the ground. Oh oh boy oh god, fuck fuck..."You okay?!" Grumbled sounds. "MOM!!"


"So I've got a broken arm, that doesn't mean I can't read the paper," Cork throws the plain hospital blankets off of the bed as he rises and declares this boastfully. He seemed to be disregarding the additional fractured knee, sprained ankle and miserablt bruised face. Yet his eyes still sparkled as he grinned impossibly. The nurse casually walks beack in with a dazed look in her eyes, and returns the blanket to Cork, then leaves once more. "Every. Time," he growls through gritted teeth. "Wherefore art thou Mr. Romeo?" "That's a great question, he smirks as he begins to doze off. I'm almost certain he's fallen asleep but as one last parting shot I utter, "All in a days work for Cork Serrano huh?" I leave quickly so I can make it back to school before fourth period. My mom, Kate wasnt all that pleased to find an injured boy below my windows next to a broken terrace. That being said she didn't really want visiting him at the hospital, but being that it was within walking distance...I didn't see how she could stop me from going during my lunch period. I also may have told the receptionist I was his sister...As I rush back into school, I ram into Fauna of all fricken people. "Hey Klutz, no wonder you and paper boy are buddies." I glare but she continues, "What did he do to himself by the way?" Man news traveled fast in this freakishly interconnected school of ours.  "He just kinda fell off his desk...and then banged into a pole...I mumbled spastically retrieving my fallen books. As she nodded vaguely, I shouted some generic name, as I called to a non-existent escape from the situation. As I practically sprinted away to see suprisingly, concerned look on Fauna's face. I thought nothing of it and headed to french. 

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