Chapter 4

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On my way out of school, Cork called to let me know that they were letting him out of the hospital soon. For my entire walk home, all I could do was grin. Was I happy? Not so much. Was I sad? Not quite. Delirious? maybe. Satisfied? definitely. As I'd walked out of the French room I looked back to see Shane attempting to chase after me, but getting caught in a flood of people traffic. I showed my respects with a middle finger pointed up as I trotted away. However those feelings were about to change into confusion,surprise wonder, and frustration. After noticing two unfamiliar cars in my driveway, I gripped the frigid handle on our glass door, and could feel the tension behind it. I twisted it and pushed the door open to see a man and a woman sitting across from my moms. Why wasn't Kate at work? Pam turned to me with a dazed look in her eye and silently gestured for me to come in. Kate had her entire face nuzzled in paperwork as the two adults sat watching her intently. I sat down next to Pam and asked what the hell was going on. Pam exhaled and said "wait", in a frazzled, whispery tone. The woman looked at me with a plastered smile that nearly made me scoff. Once Kate passed the files back to the man, he nodded, causing the woman to clap her hands together in artifiicial excitement.

"Well Piper, this is where you come in!" She shot quick glances at my moms and gleefully continued," Piper..."

I shivered as she uttered my name yet I felt the heat closing in around me as I tried to decide what to settle my eyes on. Her? Pam? the table? the files? my shoes?....

"I'm gonna let yout moms break the news!"

"Well..."Kate began...

Naturally she paused for the longest moment my existence had ever endured. I felt an odd desire to stop her from finishing, just to keep things as they were and push away any change. I heard the wind outside rush through the trees, yet I was still so damn hot. The gears inside my brain came to a screeching halt and anticipated the coming information.

"You have...a sister!"

Instant denial. Don't ask me why that was my first reaction. Then came anger. The gerars blew smoke as I wondered why I hadn't recieved this information until now. I cracked my knuckles and though my mom cringed as I did it, she correctly determined this was not the time to scold me. The only word that would come to my mouth was...


I cracked as my throat clenched to represent my entire internal condition.

"Well!", she spoke as her hands clapped together once more.

"Your sister is now living only fifteen minutes away in Careboken, with the Fabers...another foster family. She has three foster siblings.."

I cleared my throat

"May I ask why I am only finding this out now?"

"Well my presumption was that they moved here recently, but other than that I am not equipped with all of the information of the inner workings of the agency."

I gritted my teeth

"Um okay...continue please"

Pam placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently as she'd been doing my entire life.

"So yes..the plan was not for you to leave your mothers or anything like that but we are wondering whether you would like to arrange to meet with your sister."

"Uh, my voice cracked again, How old is she and um...her name?"

"Of ofcourse! she is only a year younger than you and her name is Samantha."

Kate cleared her throat.

"Is that something you would like to do? We've signed off giving our permission, but it is ultimately and completely your decision."

I hadn't previously realized there even was another option until she said this. What would that be? Refuse to acknowledge my sisters existence? Go through my entire life without even seeing her once? Nor did I consider why one would ever decide not to.

I spoke quietly

"Does she want..."

"Yes!, the lady chirped, she has expressed interest in meeting you which is why..."

"Yes then!, I burst..."as soon as possible really..."

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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