CHISENPAI's Amare et Vivat

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They loved each other in secret. It was mutual. But they had to hide it from everyone and to each other because it was forbidden. It was a taboo. They were step-siblings.

When Aurea finally decided to move on from Chance, whom she loved even before he became her step-brother, she travelled around the world for years and wrote stories that were published and became bestsellers.

Chance secretly supported Aurea and after knowing that her book "Amare et Vivat" will have its movie adaptation soon, he decided to go and watch it on its first day. Aurea also decided to go back home finally and face Chance after a month of the release of the movie based on her novel.

But fate seems to have a different plan for the both of them, and it certainly isn't a good one.


Paper Hearts (Book 1) Published by PSICOMHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin