Tour bus gossip

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(This bit is Alex's POV)
I watched him struggle to stand up as he cried and sobbed. He was scared. Jay and Eugene stood in front of him and held out their hands "This way Miles...c'mon Miles." They directed. He was trembling and looked really ill. "He's probably really drunk. He had apparently waited at that bar for a good 2 hours." I smiled trying to reassure myself he was fine. He will live healthy. He's just drunk. The nosebleeds have nothing to do with this. "2 hours?" Serge echoed as his eyes widened like a spring. "Remember me as a young teen Serge? Drinking until I were blacked out." Tom laughed as we saw Miles finally find the strength to stand up. He gave us a calm smile and whispered, "I'm okay guys. I'm just drunk." We all laughed and Jay and Eugene led him to his bed. "Is he depressed?" Tom asked me. I looked down and shrugged my shoulders trying to figure out other reasons Miles Kane is drunker than a sailor. "I don't know Tom. Joey says he were in the bathroom before I arrived. So he's probably ill from nerves." I mumbled. Jay and Eugene came back and sat down "How is he?" Serge asked them as Eugene went to grab his beer. "He fell asleep instantly and said something like 'I can't be ill gran I have a life to fulfill' whatever that means." Jay explained. I gulped and went to the bathroom to calm down. Shakes took over me like a child grabbing you from behind. They wouldn't let go.

It was 2008 when I first noticed he was unwell. We had one of our gigs that night and he was so pale. "Miles are you getting a cold? You're pale and struggling to breathe." I asked nervously. He grabbed my shoulder and whispered, "It's cancer. Apparently me treatment is after this tour. If you can keep that low then I'll do another tour." I gulped and saw him rub his head like it hurt. Then he ran to the bathroom. I didn't know what happened but he was in there a while. Maybe a decade.

Me and James were joking on after he left. "Maybe Miles was called Miles as his dad had to travel Miles to get there." James teased prodding me. I nodded laughing and saw Zach confused at our joke. He was an American. Of course he didn't get the joke. "Maybe my surname Turner is here as I turned her on." I laughed before Zach scoffed and sniggered, "Maybe Dawes is my surname as I love doors." We all laughed at that one imagining Zach with a collection of doors. I realised we'd been joking 20 minutes and Miles wasn't back. I told the guys I was going to search down Miles and make him confess. I ran into the bathroom. Then I saw him. He was unconscious. "Miles?!" I asked through tears trying to wake him. He was cold and his pulse was faint. He was struggling to breathe, probably due to the tie, I quickly got his tie off and performed CPR and he was back to normal but still looked unwell. "What the hell happened?!" I screamed sobbing. He woke up dazed. Thank God! He tried to speak but was coughing for his life. "Alex... Alex...why are...are we....on the floor?" He spluttered. I checked his head for injuries. I kissed his forehead and he started to cry. "I fainted?" He asked. I nodded and he looked at me weak. His body was his worst enemy.

I couldn't face these things. Emotions. Ever again. Miles couldn't go again. I heard Jay from the other side of the door ask, "Is everything okay Alex?" No. Everything is far from okay. I can't see Miles ill. He is my best friend. "Fine. Fine. Pip and Dandy. Just a bit tired." I lied before coming out of the bathroom. He shook his head before taking me back to my chair, "I knew he got ill in 2008 Alex. It's bloody obvious he was. He caught some bad infection and one day he were found out cold in a studio bathroom." He smiled. My eyes widened. He went to studio after the tour. He had treatment after the tour. "What do you mean, ill?" Tom asked curiously. Jay shrugged and said, "Greg told me the story. He says they were practicing and Miles was looking so frail and weak he had to sit every time he played. Greg never found out why or how he was so ill." Tom and Serge exchanged glances and I looked down guilty knowing around that time he was facing the fact he could die and be an unsuccessful musician. I couldn't tell them. "Remember one gig you went to with me girlfriend at the time he were looking really exhausted. He passed it off as a late night with a bird." Tom sighed and everyone laughed a bit.

(Miles's POV/Flashback)
"I'm sorry Mr Kane, you can't tour yet. The cancer needs to be treated immediately." The doctor sighed like it was scripted. I slumped in the chair and felt tears run down my face like a monkey.  "Will I live or die?" I asked hoping he had the answers. Hoping he would understand I was scared. Hoping I would not need to tell anyone. "Honestly Mr Kane I am not sure but chemotherapy starts next week. So get plenty rest." He advised. I left the room covering my face in my hands and left the surgery. Greg came to pick me up. I froze at the sight of his cheesy grin. "What's up Mi?" He asked seeing me crumble like a newspaper. I shook my head and we walked to his car in complete silence.

A few weeks later and I have had 5 chemotherapy treatments. The side effects are awful. I can barely stand up to play my guitar. "Miles, can you stand up so I can get a decent vocal delivery?" The technician asked making me grumble but I stood up anyways. I felt really dizzy. "Rob, I just need the bathroom. Record Greg's bass." I quickly cried running to the bathroom. As soon as I got into the bathroom I threw up in to the toilet and cried. "I'm gonna die aren't I?" I asked silently. My legs wobbled like jelly. "I can't even stand without feeling ill or dizzy." I sighed before getting back up to wash my hands. Bad idea. I went to the sink and blacked out. I felt the gush of blood pour out and my tiny scream called out.

(Present day Alex's POV)
I went to his room on the and saw him under thick blankets. He was asleep but tossing and turning like a horrible dream had a hold of him. I stroked his hair and sighed. He then woke up in a cold sweat and hyperventilating. "Miles?" I asked him scared of what was causing his anxiety he whimpered so I hugged him and he nuzzled into me. "Alex...I'll be fine. I'm just ill with a cold you know your usual annoying cold." He lied laughing. I shook my head and he begun crying and Tom came in. "Miles are you alright dude?" He asked him before cheeking his sweaty foreheads temperature. It was average. He then burst into tears and ran to the bathroom and locked himself in, where he sat and cried

Tom and I sat wondering why he was sad. "Maybe he's right. He has a cold." Tom sighed I shook my head and protested, "what about them nosebleeds? Explain that?" Tom shrugged and wiped his eyes. Miles may not even come out of the toilet. "Alex...he might've broke his nose for a bird." He joked sadly and them I glared at him. Jealousy sparked over me. It was my aura. My perfume. My toxic chemical. "Shut up Tom...he's more ill than a cold." I sighed before I confessed something he'd hate me confessing, "He had cancer in 2008. I think it's returned." Tom went pale and mouthed a, "impossible. No." I nodded and he left

I went to Miles's bag to check for everdince I could use to prove he was ill. I found clothes, cigarettes, muselli bars and water and shampoo in his bag. I also found his iPod and headphones as well as his notebook. Yes! I opened it and on the first page it read: I think my cancer is back. The doctors don't know yet. I think I'm overthinking it. I begun to sob as Miles had 5 days of gigs and he could easily get way worse than now as he's weak. Already a cancer survivor he is more likely to die. "Miles..." I whispered hoping he wasn't near me and angry for snooping with a good intent. I looked at the next page, I felt a stab to the heart: I bled so much today I passed out and hit my head off my kitchen floor. I am probably tired. I shook my head and put the notebook back and left the room before joining the others and pretending. He was fine. Healthy. Just venting out sadness. Ill with a cold. Mending his broken heart.

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