Spitting Truths

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I looked at Tom and Serge and fidgeted with my hands as we sat like death was around us. "Tom told me what you told him. Miles had cancer." Serge whispered sadly. Jay and Eugene stared open mouthed. "You didn't know?" Tom asked them shocked. They nodded and then Miles came out the bathroom. His shirt bloodstained and eyes puffy. "Mi?!" I asked before he looked at me with dark eyes. His sad eyes. "What happened in there?" Tom asked him. Miles didn't say anything and looked at us like he was going to faint. "Hold on guys!" Serge cried grabbing a hold of Miles just as he was going to faint. Tom gasped scared and confused. "Thanks... Serge." Miles whispered as he drifted in and out of his haze. I sighed in relief then he confessed, "I think me cancer is back...I keep having nosebleeds and fainting spells." Everyone gasped and looked at him sadly. He shook his head to stay focused and then Serge help him sit down and went to get him a bottle of water. "I...will try and perform. I promised to go to the doctors after the little leg of the tour." He smiled before sipping the water. He was so tired. "Don't push yourself Miles." Eugene warned softly and Miles nodded and locked eyes with me. I felt a stab in the chest and his eyes said an apology that tore me: And I slip and I slide like a spider on icicle. I sighed and stroked his frail face. He closed his eyes and some wild tears ran out. "Miles please don't overdo yourself." Tom begged. Miles nodded sleepily and yawned. It was 5pm. We felt the bus judder to a halt. "Hey boys. It's break time." The driver sang turning to face us.

I helped Miles wake up enough to get him off the bus and he staggered dazed towards the service station. "Mi, d'you need a hand?" I called out because I was planning to eat later. He shook his head and mumbled, "I'll be fine just getting me dinner." I nodded and begun having a smoke and chatting to the bus driver. "So what brings you out with Miles?" He asked curiously. I smiled boldly to hide the pains I felt and whispered, "He's just one of my best friends and a pleasure to hang out with." The driver laughed a bit then said, "You sound bloody posh when you say it like that. Am sure he's grateful you're here." I scoffed and went red and Tom came back with a McDonald's bag and a coffee. "Alex why aren't you eating?" He asked me when he came up to me. I shrugged and he handed me a chip. "Serge says Miles headed to the toilet...bloody bastard having his day treks there." He laughed. I crushed my cigarette and let myself laugh a bit. I wanted to say Miles probably was so unwell he'd end up in hospital as no one's watching him. But I couldn't.

I went to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall where my nose bled a tiny bit so I cleaned it up and hoped I'd be fine. I'd bled 3-4 times today. I washed my hands and then headed out to the mini healthy food store. I looked around for snacks and got some vegetable crisps and a ham sandwich. I was paying up when I felt a tidal wave of nausea roll over me. The checkout lady asked, "Do you need to sit down sir?" I didn't respond. She snapped her fingers. Still. I didn't respond. "Sir I'll get you an ambulance or...or call your friends." She stammered but I had got my bag of snacks and paid. Just as I left I collapsed. Onto the cold ground.

I cried out in pain as I couldn't stand and a sea of people were now surrounding me. "Miles?" I heard over the crowd. Jay. He pushed through the crowd and knelt beside me. I flinched when he checked me for injuries. I had bruised my cheek. "Come on Miles. Eugene and I will take you back." He smiled stroking the side of my head. I sniffed and tried to stand but felt like I could fall again. "C-C-Catch m-m-me." I wheezed as I felt my knees cave in. Jay yelped and grabbed my chest before I hit the ground. I smiled as a thank you and stood up and with his support I walked to Eugene who helped me walk out the door.

Once in the bus I shakily poured myself a mug of coffee before loose tears escaped my eyes. "Miles Kane, are you okay?" Alex asked wrapping his arms around my waist. I nodded weakly and dropped the plastic bag I held in a sweaty hand. Alex gulped and I flickered my eyes as I felt my chest get heavier in lead. "You have a bruise on your cheek." He pointed out and he slowly released me before looking at my face. "I fainted outside the health store." I mumbled before I felt Alex's soft hands examining my face. "My lungs feel like they're filled with lead." I sniffed trying to look away from Alex's cute pouted gaze. Tom came over and picked up my bag and saw my dinner. Ham sandwich, vegetable crisps and lemon iced tea. "You need something other than this Miles." Tom warned before putting it on a plate for me. I rolled my eyes and Alex let go of me so I could sit down.

I was in hospital. It was 11am. My chemo was about to begin. Nerves overcame me. Why didn't I bring him? Why didn't I call him? Why didn't I tell him? I took a shaky breath and stepped over to the reception desk. "I'm here for the chemotherapy. My name is Miles Peter Kane." I stuttered before looking down gloomily. The receptionists eyes widened and she smiled before saying, "First door on your left up on first floor." I thanked her and went to go up the most terrifying set of stairs ever.

After chemo I had to go home and take some drug that'll numb the full effects chemo can do. I sighed before taking it with a glass of water. I then puked in my bathroom all afternoon until my mum came in. "Sweety are you okay?" She asked on the other side of the door. I groaned and was so dizzy I could barely feel my legs. "I'm just about to make us lunch. Do you want Chicken or Turkey sandwiches?" She asked me I mumbled, "Chicken....please...I can't stand up." I felt hot tears run down my cheeks and knew I would die. I heard my mum open the door and her heart broke at the sight of me. Puke covered, frail and tired. "I'll clean you up Miles don't worry." She smiled before getting a towel and wiping me down. I fell asleep as she was doing so which worried her. But after a few sessions she'd get used to chemo making me sleepy.

One week Greg came. "This is very dull...don't you ever like have a colourful room?" He asked trying to lift the mood. I was in a trance over the fact my cancer, despite getting smaller was winning. "I'm sorry I didn't know sooner. Did Alex know?" He sighed then my heart began to race. It started to make me sick. "Y-Yes..." I whispered tightly shutting my eyes as my heart raced faster making the chemo drugs create a spin. "Then why didn't you tell me or Eva or Ian?" He protested as he grabbed my hand I mumbled a faint, "I don't...know" before clutching my chest and wheezing. Greg's eyes widened as alarm bells and sirens around me began to shrill and screech. Nurses came around me and asked Greg to leave who left fighting tears.

I ate my dinner slowly remembering that day. I knew I couldn't endure that again. I couldn't dance with death ever again. Maybe I could have a karaoke with death, he'd choose a Smiths song. "Mi, are you hungry?" Serge asked sitting in front of me to snap flmd from my zone. I shook my head and laughed off my doom with death. "Yea...that's why I'm eating slowly." I lied laughing quietly. He nodded and stole some of my crisps I whined and he laughed, "These are good Miles." I rolled my eyes before going into my room. I had barely eaten as my lungs were so heavy and anything I ate made me want to puke.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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