𝗢𝗦 ; 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 // eng.

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C'est moii :')

Cet écrit est dans mes brouillons depuis longtemps ( = une semaine, oui, c'est long pour moi), et je me décide enfin à vous partager ce petit one-shot.

C'est en anglais, donc si vous voyez des fautes, n'hésitez pas à me les signaler ☞☜

C'est plutôt court (500 mots), mais c'est du pur fluff <33

" - Why are you crying, luv' ?

Hoseok sniffed, trying to articulate a sentence, wich finally get lost in his sobs ; Yoongi had just returned from his job and found his boyfriend in tears on the sofa.

- What's happening ? It's because of work ?

- N-No... I- he stopped, another wave of weep taking him.

- Calm down babe... You know what ? Stay on the couch, I'll get us a plaid and hot chocolate, and we'll watch a movie.

And immediately, Yoongi disappeared from the brown's field vision. Hoseok heard, through his tears, noises of cups hitting each other and a "pardon my french" preceded by an insult said by his lover, snatching him a soft sneer.

The older finally returned, accompanied by a white blanket and two steaming cups which he placed on the table.

Yoongi wrapped Hoseok and himself in the cover, grabbing the remote control to turn on Netflix and started a cartoon they often watched together.

- You're the cutest boyfriend... murmured Hoseok, his dry tears.

- Thanks Hobi. Now rest, and we'll talk about all this later if you want, smiles Yoongi, gently playing with his lover's hair.

Hoseok snuggled closer to the blonde, sighing in contentment. Yoongi slowly stroked his arm with one hand, the other busy holding his hot chocolate.

- Is it good ? I did it rather quickly ...

- Perfect, you even put some marshmallow in mine, as I like them... smiled Hoseok softly.

The brown took a sip of his drink, looking at the 2D drawings that scrolled on the screen.

- I love you, Yoongi.

- Love you too.

Yoongi kissed his temple, their eyes still fixed on images.

But Hoseok quickly lost interest in the cartoon, preferring to snuggle in his lover's arms, who greets him with joy. Cuddling his head in his neck and rubbing his nose against him as a sign of affection, Yoongi let out a little laugh.

- And then you say i'm the kitten ?

- You're the authentic. I'm just copying you... sneered Hoseok.

- Hm, moron, laughs Yoongi.

A restful silence passed, accompanied by the sounds of the cartoon, and Hoseok finally continued :

- I'm not sure why I cried. Maybe an overdose of little bad moments ...

- It happens to me sometimes too. Don't think about it anymore, I'm here now.

- I'm sure that you're really the best boyfriend in the world...

Yoongi just laughed, kissing his forehead, then his lips.

- Sleep Hobi, I'm watching over you.

And placing their two empty cups on the table, Yoongi watched Hoseok fall asleep in the crook of his arms at the same time as the background credits of the cartoon resounded in their apartment. "

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