Chapter 1: The Attempt

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Beep... Beep....

I woke up once again on my white sheeted, hospital bed. Hearing nothing but the machine hooked up to me. I look up the ceiling blinking twice, I can never get use to the blinding white light. Is this what heaven looks like? If only God exists...

Doctor Reyes came in, in his lab coat as usual.

"Good morning Miss Morgan." He says with a pleasant smile. I did not respond, instead I look straight ahead. "I will be asking you a few questions, just to be sure you haven't suffered any memory loss again."

What memories can I lose, if all my memories are about this hospital room?

"What is your name?" He asked

"Kira Samantha Morgan" I said effortlessly. I have memorized these questions, why wouldn't I? He asks me everyday.

"Who are your parents?"

"Alisha and Kevin Morgan" I answered. He writes something down on his clip board.

More questions come and go, and I answered it all perfectly.

"When is your birthday?"

This time, I look at him. Curious, if he really forgot my birthday again. "February 14, Valentines Day."

He smiled and put down his clip board. He twist his back to me to get something from behind him. It is a tiny box with a bow on top. He remembered after eighteen years.

"Happy Birthday Kira." He handed me the box and I gladly opened it. It is my first time to unwrap a present in my life! I only see kids do it on TV.

I hurriedly opened the box, only to be disappointed. Its a silver rosary, complete with a mini prayer booklet.

"You know I don't believe in 'Him'." I told the doctor.

Doctor Reyes is a strong believer, unlike my parents and I. "Yes, but I think there will be a day, that you will finally believe and thank me for giving you this rosary." With that, he went out of the room.

I looked at the rosary again. My first ever birthday gift, a rosary. How pathetic. I put it into the box, and threw it on my bedside table.

I shut my eyes. Maybe this time I may sleep without the agonizing pain throughout my body. But no matter how hard I try, the hurt is still there.

I face my left and open my eyes. The door is not fully shut. That is weird, they always lock the doors when they go out, after the incident... My first failed suicide attempt, and so on follows.

I stand up from my bed. The cold floor touching my bare feet. It feels cool with my hospital dress on, then again I should have already gotten the use of it.

As I go closer the door, I swear I saw a movement. I quickly walked to the door to see who's outside. I peek through the gap, to my surprise no one was there.

This is my chance! I bun my naturally, long, red hair and clothed my self with shorts and a sweat shirt and use my Mom's old pair of slippers. And slowly unplug the machine. I look through the gap again.

The hall is empty, I walk to the elevator and was about to press up, when the doors slid open. A nurse in uniform was standing in front of me and moved to her right to give some room for me. She doesn't know who I am.

On the fifth floor the nurse got off. I pressed the button which stands for Roof Deck. I got off smoothly, hoping the CCTV cameras are off.

I swing the door open and a strong gust of wind loosened my bun, allowing my hair to fly freely around me. I walk closer to the edge of the roof and watch the busy street below me, there are people everywhere not knowing that any second a girl is going to fall head first in front of them. I was about to take another step when someone spoke.

"If you are gonna jump. Jump." I follow the source of the voice.

Its a boy, about a year older than me or so. Its the first time a boy have ever spoken to me.

"You are... attempting to jump aren't you?" He ask arms cross.

"Why does it concern you? You don't even know me." I am afraid he'll go down and tell someone. No matter, before he can, I would have been dead by that time.

"Someone might miss you."

"Nothing matters to me anymore. This life is a joke! I hate my life!" I screamed

"Well, not everyone is as blessed as you, you know." He says

"As blessed as me?" He has got to be kidding. "Why is a lonely girl, with an unknown and incurable disease and is just waiting for her death...God, who knows when! So blessed?!" I ask, this time almost losing my balance and losing a conversation with the first boy I talked to.

He stood silent for a while. I smirked, he doesn't have an answer. Just then he ask "You have seen the blessings God gave you, haven't you?" I don't have any answer for him, all my life I've been locked in a room, what am I suppose to say? "Let me guess, you also have not yet seen your face in the mirror."

I touch my face, my nose, my eyes and the curve of my lips. I look at him, he is walking towards me. "What are you doing?" I ask frantically.

He stops and fishes something out of his pocket and showed it to me. Its rectangular thing that has a shiny apple with a bite mark at the back side. I think it is what they call as a phone. "Let me show you." He comes closer.

"Stay back! Or... Or... I'll jump." I raise my arms until they are the same level as my shoulders.

"Don't you want to see how beautiful you are?" He ask. I stop dead on my tracks. No one ever told me I was beautiful. Am I really or is he just saying that?

He reach for me, but my instincts tell me to jump. As if my hand has a life of its own, I reach for him.

As I am about to step toward him, the wind blew hard and pushed me to the edge. I fell, my heart raced and red flocks of hair went to my face. Then it stopped.

I feel something warm and strong holding my hand as my body hits the wall. All I can feel is pain and white flicks of light covers my vision when my head bumped. I look up, there he is holding me, trying to hoist me up.

"Let me go." I said weakly

"No. I won't."

"There is nothing left for me!" At that second tears start to fall from my eyes.

"If I show you, at least one thing left to live for. Will you promise me you'd take a chance on life?" He asks, barely holding on. " Because if you don't, I don't take no for an answer."

I think I have a broken rib or something, the pain is killing me. "Just let go!" He looks me in the eyes, something tells me he won't. Well, I'll probably attempt this again any way, and probably won't see him ever in my life.

"And if you can't give me a reason to live?" I ask, considering his offer.

"Then I won't stop you anymore. For now, take a leap on Fate." With that, I hand him my other hand and he pulled me up effortlessly. Why didn't he just pulled me up in the first place if he can carry my weight?! What a show off!

I gasp for air as he does too. He won't let go of me, he keeps shielding me with his arms until everything went black.

For the first time in my life, I felt safe.

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