Looking For Alaska 135

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After fifteen minutes, I handed it to the Colonel. "Blow really hard on it for at least two seconds," I said. He looked up at me.
"is that what you told Lara in the Tv room? Because, see Pudge, they only call it a blow job."
"shut up and blow," i said
His cheeks puffed out, the Colonel blew into the hole hard and long, his face turning red.
Point one-six. "Oh, no," The Colonel said "Oh God."
"You're two-ythirds of the was there," I said encouragingly.
"Yeah, but i'm like three-fourths of the way to puking"
"Well, obviously it's possible. She did it. C'mon! you can outdrink a girl, can't you?"
"Give me the mountain Dew," he said stoically.

page 214

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