Legends Never Die

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Here's my new chapter. It's about friendship and hopeless book worms. And about a short moment of danger and a hero that saves the day😉

The picture was drawn by me, by the way.
I'm better at writing but that doesn't keep me from trying to draw.

Edit: Sorry, my photo for this chapter didn't upload correctly, so I have uploaded it again🙂

"Just five more minutes!"

Eiji tried to get up to take a shower and make coffee, but Ash was clinging to him, refusing to move.

Since Ash had stood in front of Eiji's room after a terrifying nightmare a few weeks ago, Eiji had convinced him to sleep next to him. Ash had stubbornly refused at first, not wanting to trouble Eiji with his nightmares and interrupt his sleep all the time. Eiji, however, had patiently explained to Ash that he had slept more soundly, and his nightmares had appeared less often when he had slept next to him. They had often fallen asleep on the sofa together or on his bed while watching a movie, and Ash had always slept peacefully next to him.

If Ash was perfectly honest with himself, he had observed that as well. He really slept much better next to Eiji, and his sleep was interrupted less often. Eiji called that slow recovery, describing it as a sign of healing and overcoming his trauma. He told him he couldn't expect miracles, but he would slowly get better. Eiji just wanted to help him and worried about him. Even Ash had realized that by now. The confidence and the compassion reflected in Eiji's chocolate brown eyes made Ash finally give in and accept his offer.

Still, Eiji had a hard time waking him up every morning. Ash had the habit of clinging to him like a lifeline while his head rested on Eiji's chest. Eiji had explained to Ash that he didn't mind, that it also helped him because he sometimes had nightmares as well. Eiji had told him that after all he had gone through, it was understandable that he needed to feel Eiji next to him to relax and finally sleep soundly.

However, he constantly complained that he was a hopeless sleepy head and impossible to wake up. Eiji always tried to be annoyed with him, but his honest features and his soft voice always gave him away. He was incapable of hiding the faint smile playing on his lips and always messed up his hair affectionately when scolding him. He was convinced that he had to go through hell to deserve meeting an angel like Eiji.

Eiji always found new methods to get him out of bed. One time he had kissed him, and Ash had been so shocked he had fallen out of bed, cursing. Eiji had just smirked wickedly. Another time he had only held a bowl of natto in front of his face, knowing Ash couldn't stand the smell with nearly the same result.

"Ash, that's what you told me fifteen minutes ago. "You have to be on time today. Don't you have your written exam today?"

"Yeah.", Ash mumbled into the cushions while still clinging to him. "So?"

"So wake up already, or you'll be late. Japanese people are really strict. They can exclude you from the exam if you're late.", Eiji warned him.

"Fine.", Ash slowly muttered before finally releasing Eiji, but not getting up, burying his face in the blanket instead.

Eiji sighed deeply before leaving the room, probably to shower and prepare coffee. He had apparently fallen asleep again because the next time, Eiji stood in front of him with a cup of coffee for him while scowling.

"Ash! You're a lost cause, you know that?", he chastised him. Yet, he couldn't hide the amusement in his voice. He handed him a cup of coffee. "Drink this, grumpy cat."

Ash finally sat up and looked up at Eiji, nipping at the coffee. Eiji stood there wrapped just in a towel, his hair still dripping wet and smelling like this flowery shampoo he always used.

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