Chapter 27

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Daniel's POV

"I don't want to talk about it anymore ma, we got into a fight and I walked out." I sighed unlocking the keys to my car. 

"Well Diggy you're not giving me much detail of this surprising breakup and as you mother I need to make sure you're okay emotionally and mentally."

I chuckled lightly at her sweetness. "I'm fine ma. I'm a little sad because I still love her, but it'll pass hopefully." 

"Do you think it's smart to be heading to her place right now when you're feeling this way?" she asked. 

I had left some paperwork at Love's and was heading over there to get it. I also had to return her key. 

"I need those papers asap so I have no other option. I can keep my cool ma." 

"Okay well, do some deep breathing before you enter." 

I was pulling into the parking garage of her place. 

"I will, talk to you later ma." 

"Bye Diggy." 

When I made it to her place, I placed my ear on the door to make sure nothing was going on. I  slowly opened the door, peaking my head in just to make sure. The lights were off, and it seemed like she was out. I walked in, closing the door behind me, and looked around her living room for the paperwork.  

"Daniel?" Lovie questioned coming from around the bend of her hallway. She was in a large t-shirt  and her hair was up in a messy bun. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to ge-" Before I could finish my sentence, I was rudely interrupted by a man coming from behind her. 

 "Who the hell are you?" I asked

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 "Who the hell are you?" I asked.  

"Aye man I should be asking you the same thing." he grunted. "Is this an ex of yours or something?" he was holding Love by the waist. 

"Man get the hell outta here." I walked up on him."And stop touching her like that." 

"Daniel relax." Lovie spoke placing her hand on chest so I wouldn't get too close. 

"Yeah man, relax." he said with a snarky grin." 

Without hesitation, I punched the man in the face, knocking him down.   

"Oh my God Daniel!" Lovie yelled. 

I grabbed him and walked him to the door. 

"Get out!" I yelled tossing him out the door. Turning towards Love I yelled, "have you loss your damn mind?"

"Why are you yelling?" she asked. 

"Why do you have some nigga here and you have all that body showing" I said before realizing what had happened. "Lovie please don't tell me you...oh hell no."

Shaking her head Lovie took a step closer to me, "Daniel look it's not what you thin-"

"So you just out here now?" I asked. "Giving yourself to any men available?"

She scoffed, "Who the hell are you talking to like that? That was outta line!"

"Is he worthy Love?" I yelled. "More worthy than I?" 

At this point, I was past mad. I was enraged...and hurt. So much that I had began to cry.  

"Daniel I d-"

"Does he love you like I do?" I sniffed wiping my face. "Does he have a ring like I do?"

Lovie stood there silent. 

"And you're in my t-shirt" I tilted my head back in disbelief. "Just add insult to injury huh?"

"Daniel just calm down."

"How can I calm down when I walk in to see the women I love and her little fling?" I spoke. "I get that we broke up but it took you that little to get over me? And you're having sex?"  

"We didn't do anything!" she yelled. I stood there in disbelief and confusion. 

"Well we didn't have sex," she sighed. "He gave me oral for like ten seconds then I told him that I felt uncomfortable and that he should leave. You caught him when he was leaving." 

I took a few deep breaths before answering. "I had just came because I left an addendum for the next school board meeting."

Lovie turned to the bar and grabbed the brown folder. "Here." 

"Thanks." I nodded grabbing it from her hands. "Sorry about that."

As I turned around, the door opened. Daquan and Olivia walked in. They paused and looked at both of us. It was obvious that something had went down.   

"Hey everybody." he chuckled awkwardly. "Everything good?"

Lovie nodded and so did I. "Yeah, I just had to pick up something." I replied. 

"Y'all have a good one." 

"Uhh Mr.Simmons?" Daquan spoke. 

"Yeah man?"

"I'm sorry about everything that happened." he said. "You know, at the hospital."

I sighed, "It's cool man. I shouldn't have hit you, I know you were upset." 

"So we cool?" he asked extending his hand. 

"Yeah, we always cool." I dapped him up. 

We love a good make up. But what's going to happen with Love and Daniel?

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