-6- 「Allied」

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The sky ship finally arrived at Ragnite, softly stopping on the port. The field of energy dissipated quickly, everyone and everything in the ship functioning normally. Storm was thrown into a wall of the ship, and Angel dodged his body as he burst through it. The passengers screamed, and dust was thrown around. Storm and Angel pulled themselves together and stood back to back, each of them with a blade in hand. Storm winced in pain and panted painfully as he spoke.

"You see him?" Storm asked.

"No." Angel replied.

The two quickly moved through the dust while being pushed by multiple people. Upon seeing the large city, the two were bewildered.

"What?" Angel said aloud.

She watched the passengers running off the ship, happy to be alive and well. Storm moved through the crowd of people, noticing Rena. What's more, he noticed blood. Lots of it. His eyes widened, and he ran to her quickly. "RENA!" Storm yelled, picking her up quickly as she coughed up a bit of blood. Angel saw this and ran towards the two.

"We gotta get you to a hospital!" he shouted.

Rena grabbed his arm tightly, shaking her head. "He knows where I put the crystal..." she said shaking in pain.

"No way! You'll die! We'll find something else! We could—" Storm shouted.

Rena held his arm still, looking to her friend's eyes.

"We need to go. NOW. We can't stop...we'll all be dead anyway if we don't make it over there...!" she said, coughing up some blood again.

Storm clenched his fist, looking to Angel.

"Angel! Find a box of bandages and stuff, quickly!" She nodded to Storm's order, and ran off the ship, asking people at the port for information.

With everyone distracted by the previous incident, Storm carefully but quickly carried Rena off the ship and to an alley to avoid attracting attention. If Rena was this worried about whatever that man would do to them after now, Storm felt that he had to get to the next world. Quickly. Rena, in extreme pain, tried to say something. Storm stopped her.

"It's okay, I've got you," he said to her.

Angel appeared beside him, assuring him that she'd remember where they were and to stay put. She then ran off into a store, took a first aid kit, and ran back to the two with the supplies. Storm lifted Rena's shirt, and cleaned her wounds with alcohol from the first aid kit. Rena winced in pain, moaning.

"Sorry, sorry. Give me a minute, I'm almost done." Storm told her.

"I always said you should be assertive, but come on..." Rena joked, chuckling then wincing right after.

Storm smiled for a moment as she joked.

"Pervert," he commented, checking her wound.

"I-Inside..." she said, trying to touch the wound.

Storm noticed something glimmering in the wound. He touched it, pulling it from her slowly, and Rena moaned in pain.

"Easy...Easy...." Angel said, staying next to him.

Storm pulled the broken blade of a serrated dagger from Rena's wound, causing more blood to spill. She yelled and gasped in pain.

"I-I feel another one...!" she said, reaching into the wound herself and pulling out the other dagger while moaning in pain.

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