-8- 「Pitfall」

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Blaze groaned, laying down on the floor on his back.

"Sciiiiiiooooooooon...." Blaze continued to groan in the tech store.

Computers were on display, as well as multiple television sets. However, none of this was appealing to Blaze as the boy was literally rolling over the floor in boredom as Scion looked at some items and deciding which they'd purchase. Scion sighed, hearing Blaze groan and mope on the floor. He was slowly getting more and more irritated as Blaze went on, especially since he was catching the attention of multiple people. He knew he was doing this to bother the man, though, which annoyed him even more. Blaze crawled on the floor, grabbing Scion's ankle.

"S-Scion...I'm dying...this boredom is killing me..." Blaze stuttered and spoke as though he was in pain.

Scion raised his foot and stomped on Blaze's hand. Blaze yelled from this, wincing from the pain. Scion removed his foot and walked to another area of the store and Blaze stood, brushing off his clothes and walking after his friend.

"What'd you do that for!?" Blaze asked.

Scion answered him quite quickly. "You're being annoying. I'd rather not deal with you right now but leaving you with anyone else might cause an issue," he said.

"Huh!? I could've went with Storm or Angel and would've been just as calm!" he shouted.

Scion turned to the boy, his face full of discontentment. "Do you listen to yourself when you talk?" he asked.

He then looked back to some gloves he had picked up earlier, deciding whether he'd purchase them or not. Scion's body language suggested to other strangers that he didn't know Blaze and the red-haired boy took notice of this very quickly.

"Hey, hey, don't act like you don't know me, Scion!" Blaze said.

Scion shook his head, reading some things off the back of a container he put in the shopping basket. "I've got no idea what you mean," he replied.

Blaze pointed towards Scion as he spoke, almost literally steaming. "What's with you? Your low tone, your 'cool' attitude suddenly when we're at the store?" Blaze raised his voice.

Scion dropping the basket on the floor, made fists, and drove his knuckles in each side of the boy's head. Blaze winced and yelped in pain as Scion drove his knuckles into the boy's temples harder.

"If you don't shut up...!" Scion began to say, realizing people nearby were watching the two, some laughing.

Scion stopped quickly, turning his back to them. Blaze held his head, watching the man shop as though nothing happened. There was a short silence between the two until Scion spoke again.

"Listen up. I don't necessarily trust you. Simply because of your recklessness." Scion started.

"Dude, I'm not—" Blaze spoke, Scion interrupting him.

"Let me finish. The only people around are Storm, Angel, and Solana, and the two of us. I still don't know how much trust I can put between those two, but I trust them a good amount, only because of Celeste," Scion picked up a box of batteries as he continued to speak.

"On the off chance that Storm is as reckless, I don't want mistakes. After I've seen both of you in some situations, I can decide if I can leave you be. I mean, you were pretty reckless before when I found you, remember?" Scion chuckled a bit when he said this.

He looked to Blaze, only to find him gone. Scion looked to his left and right, only to find that he had completely disappeared. There was a heavy sigh that left the man's lips.

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