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jisung had trouble sleeping that night. it was nearly one am and he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. he was exhausted, but he just couldn't fall asleep. he didn't know why. jisung's hand shook as he reached out to turn on his bedside lamp. he sighed in relief as the room filled with light. he swore he wasn't afraid of the dark. but the whole duplex had this weird vibe to it. he couldn't put his finger on it, but something didn't seem right.

he pulled out his phone, knowing well that at least one of his friends would still be awake. the first number he saw was chan's, so he pressed the little phone button next to the contact and jumped at the sound of the ringing, silently cursing at himself.

"hey sung, what is it so late?" chan sounded tired.

"well i uh- um- chan something feels weird about this place," jisung mumbled.

"hmm? i can't hear you, ji," chan hummed through the phone.

jisung took a deep breath before speaking again.

"chan, something about this place feels off,"

"jisung, you literally say that about every new place you move into. are you okay? do i need to come over? is it your anxiety?"

"chan i don't know,"

"jisung," a voice whispered.

"holy-" jisung panicked, dropping his phone into his bed as he clutched at the sheets, shivering, "who's there?"

"ji? are you alright?" chan's muffled voice came from the his phone.

"chan- i'm- i'm scared,"

"jisung whats going on?!" the volume of chan's voice was increasing as he became worried.

jisung bit back his urge to scream as he shook. he was just imagining this, right?

"you don't need to be scared, jisung," a tremble made its way up jisung's spine as that chilling voice spoke again.

"w-who are you?" jisung trembled, clutching his sheets close to his chest, terrified.

"jisung!?" chan's worried voice called out again, but jisung gulped, unable to find words to answer, "hang on, i'll be there as soon as i can,"

"don't be scared please,"

the line went dead as chan hung up. tears sprang to jisung's eyes.

"l-leave me alone please- i-i-i- i didn't mean to upset you or anything- please don't hurt me-" jisung sank into his bed, pulling his covers closer.

the sound of a faint sigh was heard.

"i'm not going to hurt you, i promise,"

"who are you!?"

"you're han jisung, right?"

"a-answer my question!" jisung tried to sound brave, but his lip was quivering, resulting in a little stutter.

something moved in the corner of his room, a shadow perhaps, and jisung screamed.

"shh...don't be afraid. i promise i'm not bad,"

"who are you!?" jisung repeated again.

jisung trained his eyes on the corner in which he swore something shifted. and suddenly something stepped out into the light. a hooded figure. jisung cowered further into his sheets, not knowing what he's supposed to do in a situation like this.

"u-um-" jisung was shaking in fear.

"why are you so scared?" the voice questioned, sounding guilty. but to jisung it just seemed like they were taunting him.

the figure pulled back their hood to reveal a boy. a boy who looked to be about jisung's height and age.

"how am i NOT supposed to be scared?! who ARE you??" jisung trembled, even more frightened now that he knew what the person looked like.

what if he was going to kill him? what if he was going to kidnap him? what if he was going to hurt chan when he came over!?


the boy was cut off as he heard his front door swing open. he sighed in relief, grateful he'd decided to give that spare key to chan. at first he'd wanted to give it to him because he would probably forget or lose his somewhere, but now it could apparently come in handy for problems more serious than jisung simply being forgetful.

"w-whats going on- please don't hurt me," a tear slipped from jisung's eye.

"jisung!?" jisung sighed in relief as he heard chan's voice calling from downstairs.

jisung watched as a slight panic took over the boy's eyes before he pulled his hood back on and shrunk back into the darkness.

"u-up here!" jisung called weakly to chan, not taking his eyes off of the dark corner.

spooky • binsung [abandoned, apologies]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt