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PROMPT  taemin dying of hanahaki disease after youngsoo & lea left him. featuring me and my unpracticed writing, unedited and sexy just as i like it.

it was suffocating. the light blue curtains that surrounded an open window fluttered carelessly with the wind, giving no aid to the writhing man on the sheets. there were sharp gasps and pained gurgles as he violently coughed, an endless waterfall of petals and blood decorating the once purple sheets. red petals flew around the sparsely decorated room, dancing gracefully with the wind, landing on multiple surfaces, a beautiful red dot amongst a sea of blue — the remainder of his earlier coughing fest.

taemin can't breathe. he can't breathe. god, he can't breathe. his chest was heaving up and down, the white shirt he was wearing stained permanently by dark red, small petals sticking to the wet cloth. his throat was throbbing, feeling something crawling up his neck from the inside, scratching and stabbing him repeatedly as it moved, leaving a sea of. scars, leaving more less space for the petals to come out, trapping it effectively inside.

a hoarse gasp ended his coughing fit, his back landing with a harsh thud on his bed, mouth gaped open as he desperately tried to gulp down air. a broken sob. another cough. a cracking laugh. taemin shakily lifted himself up from his sticky bed, carefully maneuvering himself so that his back is leaning against the wall near the window, his shoulders shaking with his efforts of breathing.

the pain was overwhelming. taemin doesn't know if it's from the disease or because of his choices that lead to him getting it. the burning hot pain shot through his body as he felt the stems inside his lungs grow more with each passing minute, barely being able to bite back the blood curling scream from escaping his lips, harshly biting the back of his hand to keep the sound muffled. ( his mother is asleep, he doesn't want to disturb her any longer than he already has. his eyes momentarily flickered to the stack of letters on his nightstand, all labeled with familiar names. he can barely read it through the blurry barrier in his eyes. ) his eyes stung as another coughing fit was forced out of his chest, now with just a mouthful of blood and torn flower petals.

he unceremoniously flopped back down on the bed, not caring when the hot blood stuck to his figure. taemin desperately ignored the stinging in his eyes, forcing himself to keep his head tilted up despite the pain. no. he does not deserve that. he doesn't deserve to cry. he doesn't deserve to even feel anything except the burning pain his own actions brought him. taemin brought this upon himself. it was his fault that lea — leander ( his mind painfully reminded, he does not deserve to call him by that. ) was suffering from the same illness.

he does not need help. he will suffer, because that's what he did to them. and fuck does the thought of it burn a hole right through his chest.

another round of blue and red flowers showered his room.

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