Kawaii and dancing

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Nash: hmm, interesting... GUYS WE HAVE SOME DARES!!!

Valt: what's the dare this time?

Nash: I'll show you

Valt: wait, I HAVE TO TURN INTO A KID?!?!

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Valt: wait, I HAVE TO TURN INTO A KID?!?!

Nash: yes, but we are gonna do the second dare first. NANA!!! KITORI!!! AnimeShip_lover!!!

Kitori, NanaNella32, AnimeShip_lover: *comes in*

Valt, Toko, Nika: KITORI!! *hugs Kitori*

Kitori: GUYS!! *hugs back*

Nash: Zac, Akira, Orochi, Nana and Kitori are you ready?

Zac: a star like me always ready

(Ok, I'm just gonna call you nana ok, NanaNella32?)

Nana, Kitori, Akira, Orochi: *sweatdrop* ready!

Nash: begin!

Everyone-Zac, Akira, Orochi, Nana, Kitori, Lui: that was... AMAZING!!

Lui: tch

Nash: nice 👍 before we start our next dare, *make 5 portals* it's time to say good to the Valts and the pokemons

Ash: we have to go already?

Nash: don't worry, let's hope the readers will give us the same dare

S.1: bye guys! *enters portal*

S.2: see you next time! *enres portal*

S.3: I can't wait to meet Dante, Hikaru, Hyuga and the others in the future, bye guys! *waves hand and enters portal*

Dante, Hikaru, Hyuga: *eyes are tearing* Valt-senpai

S.4: well, I see you someday again I hope, bye *enters portal*

Pokemons: bye everyone! *enters portal*

Then, the portals disappeared.

Nash: let's start the dare! *grabs other maguc staff*

Nash: let's start the dare! *grabs other maguc staff*

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Then, a 'poof' was been heard. The smoke start to fade as it revealed a 5 years old Valt.

LittleValt: who are you?

The girls: SO CUTE!!!

Nash: ok, Shu, Free and Daigo have to take care of Valt except Aiga and Lui because you two can't touch him

Aiga, Lui: WHAT?!?!

Lui: I'm gonna touch him anyway

Nash: oh, really? *creepy smile and shows flip flop*

Lui: *scared* o-ok, I won't touch him

Nash: good, now Nana and I are going somewhere *demonic voice* and if something happen to Valt, I'll make sure that person will suffer *normal voice* bye guys! *drags Nana outside the castle*

LittleValt: *sees Shu* Shu! *hugs Shu's leg*

Shu: *picks him up*

Lui, Free, Aiga: *glaring at Shu*

Little Valt: your so big! How come you grow taller than me?! It's not fair! *pouts cutely*

Shu: *blush slightly and chuckles* it's okay, one day you'll be tall too just like me

LittleValt: let's play!

Shu: let's go *holds LittleValt's hand*

LittleValt, Shu, Daigo, Free: *goes to the park*

At the park

LittleValt: *plays the swing*

Shu: *slowly push the swing*

Daigo: *watch from afar while sitting on a bench*

Free: *sleeping on the same bench*

LittleValt: *get off the swing and went to monkey bars really fast*tries to hold on but hand got slip*

Daigo: *naruto runs towards the monkey bars and catch Valt*

LittleValt: *eyes are watering*grips on Daigo's jacket tightly* hisk... hisk

Daigo: *rubs on Valt's back* shh... it's okay, let'sgo get some ice cream, okay?

LittleValt: *nods*

Then, the four of them went to get some ice cream.

With the Author (at the mall)

Nash: so, where should we start?

Nana: maybe we should try some new clothes

Nash: nice

Then, the story continue as the two girls went crazy at mall.

After 3 hours at the mall

Nash: let's go home, I'm tired already

Nana: sure

At the castle

Nash, Nana: we're back!

Nash: *sees Valt sleeping with Free on couch cutely*

Nana: *whisper* so cute

Nash: *whisper* I know * takes picture of them*

Nana: *whisper* send me a copy

Nash: *whisper* okay

LittleValt: *start to wake up and yawns cutely*

Nash, Nana: *fangirling quietly*

Nash: Valt?

LittleValt: hmm? *make a cute confused face*

Nash: come here

LittleValt: *goes to Nash*

Nash: *makes Valt normal again*

Valt: well, now that's over

Nash: I need to show you something *show the pictures*

Valt: *blushing hardcore and fainted*

Nash: *sweatdrop* well, see you guys next time and leave us more dares!!

The bladers, ask and dare (discountinued)Where stories live. Discover now