Ch.7. Dreams.

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Once I left Braxton's room, I had ended up going to bed, to much for one night.

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**Aliza's Dream**


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING ALIZA? THIS IS OUR ONE AND ONLY FAMILY NIGHT WE HAVE BEFORE WE GO BACK TO WORK. STOP BEING STUBBORN AND COME WITH!," my mother shouted at me. We had been arguing about how she's never home and expects a night out as a family would make up for it. Newsflash mom, doesn't work that way.

"Girls! Calm down. Honey, if she doesn't want to go, we can't make her. At least you tried. Aliza, you know we love you, we have work to get down. We're sorry we can't always be here," my dad said cutting my mother and I off. This was one of our first fights. We usually never talked, and when we did, it was just checking up on us.

"Fine, have fun you guys, sorry for making such a big deal, night," I said. And with that, I went to go watch television until they came back.

"We'll be back in an hour or so!" My father shouted as they were leaving. I heard the front door shut, and the car start.

About two hours later, I became worried, they were almost NEVER late, and yet today just had to be the day that they were. I wasn't going to panic. Maybe they were just going to stay out a bit longer. Maybe mom was mad at me still..

And that's when I saw the words NEWSFLASH shining on the bottom of the screen...

** End Dream. **

I screamed as I awoke, shaking and covered in sweat. I looked at the time, and I read it was 4:35a.m.

"Aliza, are you okay? I heard you screaming," I heard little Joseph say.

"Oh baby, I'm okay, thank you for asking. I just had a bad dream. You can go back to bed. Everything's okay," I calmly said, making sure not to worry him.

"Aliza, I'm scared now.. Can I sleep with you please? " he said in the shakiest voice, looking up at me with the most adorablest puppy dog eyes. There was no way you could say no to him!

"Sure, sorry to awake you. You can cuddle with my giraffe," I smiled and he quickly fell back asleep. As for me, I was stuck awake. No way I could sleep after that.

* * * *

5:30 came around quickly, and I was capable of getting out of bed without waking Joseph. I went to my desk, and began writing...

Dear Diary,

Last night was surprising. Who knew playboy would actually apologize? Freaked me out a bit, but at least only one brother hates me now. Still have no idea why he hatesbme. Maybe Braxton will know.

Last night was also the first time I drempt of my parents.. I wish things would've gone differently than what happened. If only I'd have gone with them, then I could've died with them. I wouldn't feel like I am impersonating here. Let me tell you, I feel horrible for having to stay here.

School is today again, Braxton is going to take me for now on. Feels kind of good we're in talking tracks. Maybe he won't forget me after school! -_- Anyways, school time.


* * * *

Once Braxton got out of the car with myself, all the sluts were shooting me daggers. I think Braxton noticed because he apologized on their behalf. Well, this morning, was justblike any other for the past week. Same with after school. Braxton even waited for me!

Thanksgiving break was here now. Nobody to worry about except the Simons. Life is great. Just lets see what this week has in store.

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