Chapter three//3

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I woke up to the sound of people talking in the kitchen, but i couldnt hear what they were saying.It was dark outside but the kitchen light was on. Seeing as i had no idea what time it was, i checked my phone. It was 5:37. Who the fuck would be over this early? I stand up, wrapping the blanket that magically appeared on me while i was asleep, around my shoulders, and groggily stumble into the kitchen. I pay no attention to either boys but can feel bolth of them looking at me.i just hop on the counter. Facing this mystery boy. He was staring at me so i stared back. He was hella cute. Like bang-me-against-a-wall-with-'seven-nation-army'-playing-in-the-background kind of cute. Michael puts a pan of water on the stove to cook something, and the other boy is still staring at me."uh, Kit, this is Luke. He lives on the floor above me"Michael says, feeling the awkwardness between me and the boy. " hi" i say softly. I was still really tired. I haven't slept much recently at home because of problems with Ashton. "Hey" he said with a raspy morning voice. It was attractive as hell. I really want to get to know this boy better."Uh, not that i want you to leave or anything but why the fuck are you here? Arent normal people usually asleep right now?"


hELLO whats up how are u
Heres the double update i promised lmao

(Btw i wrote this chapter then cut it in half sorry im posting the other one rn)

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