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The year was 2AD before the coming of christ. These were the times that Kings ruled kingdoms, Deans ruled domains, Emporors ruled Empires, Lords ruled territories and the Pirates sailed the seas. It was at this fracture of century that Atlanta the greatest Empire ever seen fell. Atlanta was a vast Domain or rather a haven of a paradise bordering the Atlantis Sea that every ruler of that age quite wanted but the history was quite clear in one thing ," no one ever came close enough to taking it". The preserves of time found in the vulnarable pages of books has it that "even the lazy of the laziest could not go hungry in Atlanta"-which is quite true because it was the heart of minerals and ores ,fertile lands ,had that many Sea vessels that has never been recorded in any other in point in time in the history of men to date. At the balcony of the casstle prince Valentine stood deep lost in thoughts ,"How could everything be okay when prince casanova was out there in the sea alone fighting for Atlanta ? What good would it be if they won at the expesnsce that prince Casanova never came back? Was he all alone in the sea? How was the battle prevailing ? Was the gods fair to them at all ? Was his regiment - THE KNIGHTS OF ATLANTA- still intact ?" a million questions crossed his mind barely a valid answer came to . "We miss him too son." Valentine turned to face his mother Queen Sheeba who had balls of tears forming at the side of her deep sitted blue eyes. "It's prince Casanova mother ." he let the words slip of his mouth with a heavy voice and for once he had dougt if he was at all right or just creating an illusion a mere diversion that all was well. "Remember the victory of blood mountain?" queen Sheeba shook her head with totally confidence an indication that there was still a ray of light of hope that might still shine upon her. " Well that was your son he did it all.When hope seemed to have been slipping right away from our hands he brought with him the victory and saved us all from destruction. Mother go in all shall be well and before you even come to realise our Casanova will bring with him the heads of all those who stand to face him." he closed in and hugged his mother who gave out a faint smile. watching her mother leave his heart felt heavy with betrayal to such an amazing queen he called mother , but his mind had been made and there was no reversing it-in no time he would be with his brother who had seized to send word of his state many moons past . Wars went for past many moons before they ended or they never ended at all. The vail of darkness drove the last streaks of yellow sun rays and it was now night. At the balcony of his chambers prince Valentine swiped across all Atlanta with his eyes not quite settling on anything at all, he felt a certain setback but his mind had been made and there no backing out. "My lord your presence is needed at the dining hall.Dinner has been served." he snapped out of his distruction to meet a maidem who he had never seen and for that matter rested that she was probably new. Across the long pathway to the dining every host of the casstle every servant bent a knee as he moved across-that sort of cultrure with the royalties. "Prince Valentine,"one male servant who'se outfit was different from all the others announced his arrival upon the cracking of that huge door as he moved in,he was presumably the chief of staff. " Meet my youngest son, Prince Valentine the King to be! " King Enos stood up and tossed to everyone ,the visitors who gave him a suprised look. "Uuuuuum here in our kingdom the firstborn son is to be in charge of all the defense and the second born to be the king. And for that matter prince Casanova is out in the sea fighting the armies of the witch of south." king Enos wrapped around that matter and procceded to the main-why the visitors were there. "I am pleased to know that we have alliance from as far as south. King Vicarious has travelled far and wide to meet us. With him he has brought a good relation among the two kingdoms,also he has pledged his army to join us in the fight against the queen of south or rather the witch of south. All he is asking is to betroth his dauhter into our family which i have accepted." King Enos gulped a sip from his glass of wine then procceded . "My son here will mary your daughter." Valentine almost chocked and threw the wine he had in his mouth. "Are you okay?" his mother who was next to him asked him as her hand rested on that shaky hand. "Of course i am alright i just got chocked." he pulled a plastic smile and tossed which everyone followed in unission. Of course it was the royalty life and everyone was a faker,deep down he felt like he had an anchor tied to his feet and it was pulling him down with it. He held tight onto his mothers hand who responded by resting her other free hand on his. They both were aware that he was seeing a girl and he was head over hills in love. King Enos sat cunningly and waited for his "WORTHY FELLOW" a term he often used to refer to royalties ,to speak at least this way he would see judge that he owned upto the tales he had about him. " When i came to your doostep i came with one wish like a sparrow comes by the fig tree at dusk to sleep, except i did not come to sleep..." everyone laughed ,he was humerous as well as wise. "...i came with my daughter here searching for a home to her and you were kind enough to open your gates and allowed us in-and i am quite thankful for that because the time notice for our request was short but you acted accordilingly like the tales has it in the books about you, you have owned everything and i know that you are a noble and benevolent king..." King Enos raised his glass and all tossed ,he was definately aware that these flirter games never separated with kings and royalties as long as they had what they wanted. "As a token of my appreciation I have with me here gifts for you king Enos!" he clapped his hands and the cracking door sound aloud his servants to move in with the gifts. With them was gold,silver,diamonds,robes and perfumes from as far as the east. King Enos was pleased with this man and he was eager to know more about him. "Before I forget this is my wife queen Elizabeth and daughter princess Eurelia..." they lowered their heads in unission a sign of royalty and a fair lady."Having said all that dont you all think its time these two knew each other?" everyone nodded and Valentine directed princess Eurelia out of the dining hall. Past the corridor Valentine was quiet as well as lost in imaginations . "why is it that the price of royalty has to be paid by loyalty. No one is ever asked what they need,as long as it is good for the nobility then it is good..." "who is the girl?" Eurelia dragged Valentine out of his thoughts. He had not realised that they had made it past the staircase to the balcony of his chambers. "What gir...?" Eurelia rested her hand on his lips to prevent him denying it . " I am quite an observer and what you did in there was a boy in love. Well you might have had everyone fooled but not me. And you haven't even looked at me as a woman and only a man in love does not notice any other women." and for the first time he looked at her like a woman. She had darkish silky hair that ran and ended slightly above her waist ,her lips were plump pink and moist ,her neck slender then on her cheeks she had these dimples that no man could resist and what struck him most were those deep sitted blue eyes that were slightly tilted and gave a look of absolute innocence. He looked past those blue eyes and saw just a girl that wanted "HAPPY". "Am sorry." she moved her hand from his lips which he prevented by taking that hand and holding it in his. "Who am I to judge. I have had my downtime as well." that acscent had always attracted him but now he fell in love with it because of those lips it came from. He watched as her lips parted and she gave out this glorious smile that he recorded of his life. "To hell with love !" he closed the gap between them locked on those eyes and tried to dig the answer that he had been searching for and in that moment leaned to kiss her. " Tales have it that you are the greatest swordsman! " somehow she managed to dodge that kiss. "And may I know what those tales are?" he asked as she pulled from him. " I think you are quite familiar with narrators ,song men.All that wallowing about noblity. Or was it just another show off -the work of errend boys to glorify another quake king to be ...." "Don't you think thats a disrespect to the Prince of Atlanta. If my father the King was here he would have said to hell with your head..." "My luck then . If you are that good fight me then ,let's see what the golden boy has to offer!" it was not like he was going to fight a lady and most of all a princess. " Come on we both know how this ends. True i have heard that in your kingdom the noblity fair ladies are given combat lessons ,but today is your lucky day I don't fight women..." he didn't realize how fast she had swiped his both legs and he was on the floor with his back. "You were saying?" she was a devil and also a preety one . "My bad ,you are such a kill joy." she had moved and pulled those two swords pinned on the wall of Valentine's chambers and threw one next to him. "What's in it for me?" he supported his weight with his two hands then applied force that allowed him to move a turn around and in that motion he picked the sword with his left hand and threw it up in the open air ,right before he stood on his both legs caught the sword with the right hand and rested the left hand to his back. "Am not an angel to know." she applied force to one of her leg jumped to him with an accurate aim directed straight to his head an attack that he countered with an horizantal sword block then with his free hand he went right for her waist pulled her in a manner that she moved a 360 degrees turn before he held her with his front against her back. " You smell good!" she stepped on his left foot and struck him right at the stomach as he reacted to the pain on the foot and let loose. "Like food you mean?" she applied another attack on him which he took out and in that cris crossed sword position they stood eyes locked. "Were you drooped too much as a baby,who doesen't know how to flirt?" this time he was a step ahead moved his hand and hit her belly with the tip of his palm then quickly grabbed her sword as she moved back. "So it seems i have won." instead of falling she stood to her feet ,she was simply good but not as good as he was. "It seems you have." she moved towards him and without a warning kissed him deep and he responded by holding her tight one hand at the waist and another hand at the back of her neck. When she pulled back he did not bother to resist and only managed to swipe the strand of hair that covered her face with his hand. "To be a great king don't ever use your heart if you do that will be the start of the beggining of an end to your legacy."he looked at how her lips parted and let out such wisdom. "Every card you play do it here and not here and remember to always be a step ahead.Dont fight every battle,fight the ones that you can ,run from those that you can not.keep this in here till the end."she pointed at his head and heart in a simultenous manner. "Until we meet again." she leaned and kissed him slightly on the cheeks then he watched her dissapear into the vast corridors of the casstle. Immediately the door was shut behind her Valentine pulled out a leather bag from under his bed sizeable enough to carry food and water supplies for 3 days also he had some few gold coins that he would need on the way. From the balcony of his chambers he fastened a rope to the arrow on his quiver bow arrow gun then tied the rope under the bed waited until the palace scouts had taken swap around the palace and was sure they would take some time before coming that way again a time that was more than enough for him to get down and past those huge gates of the casstle. He aimed the quiver bow arrow gun to the foot of one of the watch towers which he hit .He made sure that the rope was tight enough to allow him to get down on the groung past it.He took a small rope threw it past the tight rope then held both loose ends with a strong grip that would support his wait downwards. In the mid air he swung his leg and was immediately set on motion by that force. Almost at the ground he let go of the small rope then hit the ground but instead roled over before standing on his both two feets. At the ground he ran and slid under the cart that supplied stocks to the palace-he had made sure to time it and as it went past that gate it carried him with it. He roled from under it a few metres just from the palace and dissapeared into into the night .By morning when the absence of the prince was noticed he had already gone far and with no trail. The king dispatched his troops to search far and wide and only report back to him with his son,but to no vain. Three days later after no luck with the trail of the prince a maiden came to the queen and with her was a letter that he found at the chambers of prince Valentine.

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