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"Perharps some calamity has beffalen him " said the king and the next day he dispatched more huntsmen to search for him. It had been six moons past ever since word came about the whereabouts of the prince and sure it was the king was getting impatient. The king who had once been benevolent just and wise was sure locked in the image that once had been a king. King Enos no longer showed intrest in his work as the king .What was surprising was how fast King Vicarious took matters in his owns hands -normally he had with him a scroll that had the kings stamp ,he was ruling in the kings behalf and the first thing he did was to kill all sourcerors in the name of the king. The kings hand had no say in all this ,the stamp on the scroll gave King Vicarious total authority and Authur's hands were tied . The night was silent eerie it was yet another night that faer and terror spread throughout Atlanta. Author having heard enough went to the casstle uninvited . Along the corridor to the Kings chambers he had whispers and as he approached it grew. "You will kill all the council!"that strange voice said in a whispering and compelling voice " I will kill all the council!" that was sure the kings exhausted voice.No wonder the king had beeen appearing sick . This was not something strange and immediately he drew his sword and moved with great keenness until two faint shadows started to come to view. one shadow was sure the kings, what he could not decipher was how that monster had penetrated into the palace leave alone Atlanta. Without no more thinking he burged into the kings chambers " You filth leave the King alone!" the king who had been suspended in the mid air fell right back to his bed and that monster with red crimson eyes ,scally shiny pale skin turned to face him and he new. "How else could such a monstrous creature gain access to the palace?" simple "The vail of nobility at hand lifted many things." the kings hand could not help but process all that. He stripped his shape shifting skin and as it slowly reatreated under his skin he became king Vicarious again and again in disguise he was . "You couldn't help youself ,could you?" Vicarious said as he approached Aurthur. " Not really.so uuum king Vicarious ,how long has he been dead?" he moved forward launched an attack with his sword which the monster under king vicarious skin dodged with no effort. "He has always been here .This thing, monstrous as you would like to call it has always been in the blood for ages. My ancestors saw to it that the only way to survive all this was to be in charge and for quite a long time we sure have been in charge.The blood bath in the north is possible because we pull the strings .In simple terms you know what the man in charge can do.My ancestors wanted a free world where we could walk ,feed and turn freely without any fear. It used to be just a dream but now "run humans run." and with a flicker he was monstrous again and he went right and grabbed him by the neck . "Being the kings hand just killing you would be of no convenience to me ,would it now?" without any effort he threw him hitting his back against the wall and breaking those vesssels . " Good news! I like you and you are going to serve me. Ofcourse its of no question , I hate you human I hate you dead..." "NO no no there is no way am going to be some blood hungy creature ,leave alone being you errend boy." with all the force he could he drove his sword into his chest to his heart . "wow you hate us so much do you? You would rather be dead and rotting six feets below than live to become what I am .Such a shame such a visionless fellow.I was giving you the choice of eternity but no more , am going to make you became the shadow of what you hate most .Dying was just an escape but what happens if I reap your soul out of your body before death have all the owners .As if thats intresting you will die but then I wont let you I will give you the breath of my life and just when you will wake up to be what I am then I will release your soul back to you. The intresting part is I dont know if ever a soul can be ripped from a body more than once!" he knelt right next to him and twisted the knife that was struck to his heart as he allowed out a loud cry but sure as the brimstone and fires of hell no one was coming for him . " All this wallowing can only happen if I was whole and with no injury at all and as we can see I was ahead of you in this one..." Vicarious drove the sword far more into his heart . "You dont get it do you ? I want you dead !" and for once the kings hand was not sure of a thing, this was not anything he had heard of. "That look there ,now you get it huh ?" Vicarious laughed and pulled out the sword from his heart. " What will I become ?" Arthur held his coat ."I dont know! " he brushed away his hands from his coat . "This is fate worse than death .Mark my words .VENGEANCE WILL BE SERVED TO THE LAST ONE ..." as his breath slipped away from him....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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