Chapter 3 Natasha

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" What are you doing?" 

 I ask slowly turning around. Austin is laying on the bed with a goofy grin on his face. I smile and he pats the spot on the bed beside him. I slowly walk over to him and sit beside him and I lean Into his chest. He slowly starts kissing my neck and I melt into his arms. He looks at me like he wants to say something but he decides against it, I don't question him on it. I just move my hair away from my face as he slowly starts kissing my collarbone. He starts moving back up to my neck and starts nibbling on my ear. I'm getting so into it that I jump when I hear his phone ring and it brings me back to reality.  Austin pulls back a bit and smiles at me as I try to catch my breath. I do a small nervous giggle and I can tell that my cheeks are red because they feel like they are on fire.

 " you should see who it is," I Mumble to him. I lean over to him and kiss his neck. He smiles and is being his adorable self.

 "No, it's fine," he mumbles back to me.  

" No, go check, what if it's important?" I say nudging him.

"But. I. Don't. want. To. get. Up!" Austin whines while flailing his arms on the bed. I burst out laughing and so does he. 

"it's sad how you can do that perfectly, now go see who it is," I say nudging his side with my elbow. 

"No," He says trying to kiss me. I move so he can't kiss me and he stares at me for a second. I stare back and soon he turns his head and looks defeated.

"Fine," he says shaking his head. He slowly gets up and gets his phone off of the front counter. 

"who is it?" I ask

"Well let me check first will yah?" Austin says in a goofy voice. He finally says 

"It's my Mom" 

"what did she say?" I ask Austin. His face falls and he looks at me and then back at his phone. 

"She says That I have to go pick up my brothers and bring them home," Austins says looking sad.  

"I'm so sorry, I could see about getting them an uber, or something," Austin says looking upset. 

" It's okay, I'll just wait here okay?" I say with a fake smile plastered on my face.

" Okay I'll be back in about 25 minutes," He says getting his shoes on. he grabs his keys and runs over to me and kisses me on the forehead. 

"I love you" he whispers

"Love you too," I say. My phone starts ringing and before Austin rushes out the door He tosses me my phone. 

"bye be safe!" I say as he shuts and locks the door. 

Hey guys very sorry that this was very short but I felt like for the next part of this story it needed to be on a new chapter so I had to end this chapter a bit short! sorry! please comment and give some feedback! I appreciate All of the support! see ya next chapter! 

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