chapter 4

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I check my phone and my voice mail is filled with messages from both my mom and my dad. My other brothers have been blowing up my phone as well. I listen to the first voicemail from my dad

¨ Natasha, Please Call me back as soon as you get this, It's about Nathan, Please call me or your mother as soon as you can, I' ll try again in a few minutes, Love you be safe¨

I don't bother checking the other voicemails but I do check some of the text's that I received from my brothers and they are all pretty much the same ¨ Tasha you need to come home, it's about nathan¨  

I turn off my phone and I sit on the couch staring off into space wondering what has happened but also not wanting to know what has happened. I slowly glance at the liquor cabinet and then I get up and walk over to the cabinet. 

¨ just one little glass, No biggie, I can Handle it¨ I mumble to my self. 

I take the key and then I unlock the cabinet and I take out one of the vodka bottles. 

¨ One or two shots,  Then that's it¨ I say to my self. I grab a shot glass and I pour the vodka into the small glass. I bring the bottle and my glass over to where the couch is and I sit back down on the couch. I check my phone and I have gotten 4 more messages about Nathan. Something about the police is at our house. I try to Ignore it and before I set my phone down on the coffee table I check the time and Austin has been gone for 5 minutes. I finally do set my phone down on the table beside the vodka bottle. I Look down at the already full shot glass, thinking about whether I should or not. 

¨Screw it" I say as I guzzle down the glass. I feel the tingling feeling and the warmth of it as it slides down my throat. I pour another glass and I tell myself just 2 more and then I will stop. I take the glass and press it up against my lips. I hear my phone ring again and once again it's my dad. I ignore my phone for a few seconds and soon I just press decline and then  I down the second shot.  I feel a bit of a buzz as the second shot goes down my throat. I know I should stop but why? I mean what do I have to lose? I don't want to deal with this stuff right now. I normally never drink so I my as well. I've had the odd beer and in my whole life, I've only ever had 1 shot so I mean I guess this will be my first time having more than 1 on the same night. I pour another glass and then I check my phone Austin has been gone for about 13 ish minutes. I sit on the couch staring at the bottle. I grab the full shot glass and I chug it and It feels like electricity running through my bloodstream.  Ï Get up and walk over to the window and I look out at the night sky. after a few minutes, I go back over and pour myself another glass and I quickly guzzle it down. My head is swimming but It feels good I'm tempted to pour myself another glass but I decide against it.  A notification for Instagram pops up on my phone so I open up my phone and check my Instagram. One of my friends had posted something and Soon I see that my brothers had also sent me a bunch of messages about Nathan through Instagram.  I quickly grab the vodka bottle and I put it up to my lips and I take a big swig of the bottle. 

¨Sh-hit¨ I say slurring  my words a bit. Knowing that I needed to stop drinking before things get too out of hand. I take one more little sip and then I put the bottle down and My head is spinning and I feel so alive but also like I might throw up.

"Wh-hy did I d-do Th-is?"I mumble laying on the couch as I lay my head on a fluffy pillow, I pull ou my phone and I scroll through Instagram. 

Hey guys thanks for all of the support and for reading my stories! Sorry that this was a bit short but I am at a bit of a roadblock! I will continue writing soon! 


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