Hiding Places

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You stood looking at yourself in the mirror of your vanity, then at your watch, "this is the slowest five minutes of my life!" You screamed out.
Doing another lap of the bedroom felt like the only thing left to do, after another 30 seconds the timer went off of your phone.
Inhaling deep you switched off the timer and looked down at the stick in front of you, psyching yourself up before picking up the stick you gave yourself a pep talk, "it's fine, it's totally fine, it's just a bug... just a bug, you got this y/n!".

Your jaw dropped when you flipped the stick to reveal two pink lines, "holy shit" you whispered as your eyes were locked on the pregnancy test in your hand, you were knocked out of your daze when you heard the door unlock downstairs and your boyfriend Dacre call up to you, "hey babe, I'm home", your eyes darted to the door hoping he didn't come upstairs, "he..hey...I..il be down in a minute", stuttering as you threw the test in cupboard next to you, where you normally kept the sheets for the spare bedrooms, he wouldn't look in there....ever.

You fixed your face before heading downstairs, as you came around the corner you saw Dacre standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at you smiling, "hey beautiful, come here and give me some love", god you loved this man, he was so sweet, kind and lord knows he was amazing in bed!, you fell head over heels for him the minute you met, 4 years ago when you picked up your sister from her friends house.

You sat on the drive of the address your mom gave you, looking out of the window thinking to yourself, 'where is this girl!', after a few minutes you saw a car pull up behind you on the drive, looking at the driver through you rear view mirror you noticed it was a guy about your age.
He stepped out of the car and started walking down the driver side of your car, as he approached, he knocked on your window making you turn your head, when you saw him you had instant butterflies in your stomach, he was so handsome, luckily you snapped out of your trance and opened the window to be greeted by a friendly smile as he said, "hey, uh can I help you?".

The guy leaned on your open window leaning in a little bit, "oh I'm here to pick my little sister up, she knows I'm coming for 5 so she shouldn't be much longer", the guy nodded at you, "ah you're y/s/n sister, she's a cool kid", you looked at him in confusing and he sensed it!, "oh god sorry" he laughed, "I'm Dacre, Saskia's brother!", the pair of you laughed, "hi Dacre, I'm y/n", Dacre smiled and took your hand, you thought he was going to shake it, but no, he kissed the top of your hand and ran his fingers over yours,
"y/s/n talks about you all the time, you seem pretty cool, I uh... don't usually do this but do you maybe want to meet up tonight, we could go out to eat?", Dacre suggested, taking you back a little,  you smiled back at him, "ok yeah, pick me up at 8?", Dacre rubbed your fingers one last time before pulling away, "I can't wait, il see you tonight, ... il send your sister out now", with that he stepped back and into the house.


You hopped down the final few steps before leaping into his arms, his lips instantly connecting with yours, after a few moments Dacre pulled away, still holding you up by the ass, "I missed those lips", you laughed at him acting like he had been away months!, "Baby you kissed me goodbye before you went to your moms..." you looked down at your watch, "...an hour ago!", Dacre complimented your little giggle with a deep laugh, "an hour too long angel, come on let's watch a movie", he carried you to the couch before slouching down causing you to flop on top of him stomach to stomach, you gasped and grabbed your belly.

Dacre sat upright in shock, "did I hurt you! Baby I'm sorry I was just playing... let me get you a water bottle", he tried to get up but you giggled and held him back by the chest, "baby I'm fine, just uh... shocked me is all".
He wrapped his arms around your stomach and held you all the way through the film, you looked down at him holding your stomach, thinking about the news you had just discovered, it made you tear up, you had to tell him but you wanted it to be special, the emotions got too much and you let out a little sniffle, Dacres eyes shot over to your face, "y/n! What's wrong?" He asked as he spun you around so you were facing him, "oh um... it's the film, it's just so sad", Dacre looked over at the TV confused, "shutter island is sad?" He asked, why did you let that slip out, out of all the excuses it had to be that!, "oh yeah... he um... just doesn't know does he. It's just sad", Dacre still looked at you like you came from a different planet, "ok babe, listen, I'm going to shower why don't you lay down?".
With that the pair of you headed upstairs to the master bedroom.

As Dacre was rummaging through his wardrobe so you used this opportunity to go to the toilet, "I'm just going to run to the toilet babe il be two minutes".
You went in and did your thing, once you washed your hands you headed back to the bedroom.
As you walked out into your room you saw Dacre sat on the edge of the bed looking down, "babe, you 0k?", You asked him, he's eyes slowly looked up at you and he gave you a small smile before speaking, "y/n, are we pregnant?".
You stood there for a moment, mouth open but nothing coming out, without knowing your hands moved to your stomach, you only realised when Dacre was in front of you with his hands also on your stomach, "babe, are we pregnant?", he asked again.

You looked up at his beautiful blue eyes and gave a small nod, before you knew it Dacre had picked you up and was spinning you around the room, you let out a giggle as you held on to his neck, he gently placed you down so you that were sitting on the edge of the bed, he knelt down between your legs.

He looked up at you with so much love in his eyes, he took a hold of your hand and kissed your knuckles, tears were filling up in his eyes, "were having a baby!" He said to you, "I know, I'm so glad your happy about this", Dacre pulled his head back in shock, "what?!, happy! Angel I could scream it from the roof tops! Iv never been happier.... how long have you know though?". You put your hands on either side of his face, "I literally took the test just before you got home today!", The pair of you shared a laugh, "that's why you held your stomach earlier on the couch!", You nodded and Dacre kissed your stomach, then you realised, "how did you even find this?" You asked him holding up the test.
Dacre was still knelt between your legs at this point, "well, as it goes, that closet is the go to hiding place!, you see, I had a little surprise of my own", you raised you eyebrows in excitement and his comment, "oh really? Surprise me Montgomery".
Dacre reached around to his back pocket, never taking his eyes off of yours, slowly and pulled out a red velvet box, "y/n, will you do me the honour of marrying me?".

Your jaw dropped until a smile grew on your lips, "oh my god! Yes baby, yes I will marry you!". Dacre placed the ring on your finger before standing up and lifting you up off the floor, "you have made me the happiest man alive y/n,  I love you so much".

Hey guys!

I hope you enjoyed this first one!
I had so much fun writing it.
Don't forget requests are open, I am working on a prompt list too.
Thank you for reading and voting 🥰 you are all amazing.

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