I just wanted to start by saying THANK YOU for checking out this fanfic! I know I'm super behind on the bandwagon here, but I got inspired and decided to bang this out. I hope you enjoy! 


I stood in front of the Eden Club, hesitating. All I had to do was take a step forward, and I could find them. I could find the deviant, I could direct them to Rose or Jericho, and they'd be ok.

I wrapped my leather jacket around me as a cool breeze blew past. I knew I should've put on something else. The jeans, tanktop, and jacket combo wasn't doing it for this early spring weather.

I shook my head. It's now or never. They'd be here soon, that drunk and his --

"Officer Morris?"

--his droid. I turned, nervous. My badge felt heavy hanging on my belt. "Connor."

"Do you have any business here, Officer?"

I shook my head. "No, not officially. Just thought I'd stop by, see if there was anything I could help with." The lie rolled smoothly off my tongue. I'd been practicing it in the mirror for weeks.

The blue circle on his right temple flashed yellow for a moment before he spoke again. "Your heart rate has spiked, and your pupils have dilated. According to my data, those are two characteristics of lying."

I rolled my eyes. I mean, he was right, but he didn't need to know that. "You're just making me nervous. Now, if you don't mind..." I turned to leave, abandoning my original intentions.

"You don't need to speak with the Lieutenant?"

"No, Connor. Why would I need to speak with him?"

"You told me you wanted to know about anything you could help with."

I scolded myself internally for forgetting my lie so quickly, and turned to the android. "Well I changed my mind. I have an early day tomorrow, so I should go."

Connor nodded. "Of course."

Before I left, I took a moment to examine his features. It'd been so long since I'd worked on the androids, and since then, I'd been trying my hardest to avoid them. However, as time went on, that became harder and harder. They were everywhere, and I hated it.

My time as a technician at CyberLife was short. I was brought in near the beginning by Kamski right after college in 2024, but I didn't stay. Soon enough, Elijah decided that he was through with human error when manufacturing the androids, and terminated all human employees in 2030. However, just before I left, I made something. An error in the code. I left it.

And now droids were becoming 'deviant'. The nasty word given to them. It left a sour taste in my mouth when I so much as thought about it. All this was, was free will. I was an instrumental part in it. That code was never supposed to run, but I made sure it did. I was tired of Elijah just creating beings and using them for perverted purposes. Not just sexually, but for every tiny little thing. I hated it. It bred laziness, dependency... The humans would become a dead breed. Androids would outlive their keepers, eventually the 'graves' would fill... it only made sense to me for them to rebel - become autonomous.

Connor, however... The RK800 droids were configured after I left CyberLife, and it seems like Elijah perfected them. The 'deviant code' was isolated from the programming, something I made compatible with any android, despite the different purposes. However, it had been long enough. Perhaps Elijah found a way to nullify it with this model.

The way his eye pierced mine made me uncomfortable. Something must've been changed with those... While I was with the company, the eyes would be kinder, welcoming even. But this RK800's eyes were harsh and serious, almost intimidating. But I suppose that made sense for an enforcement and investigation android. The skin had been changed too. We used to encourage artists to create blemishes and beauty marks while creating the first gen droids. But now... It was flawless. Immaculate. It was as though Elijah was purposefully creating them to look superior, inhuman. We were meant to fear them now.

"Usually when someone says they need to go, Officer, they leave." Connors' voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Is there a reason you've stayed and started staring?"

I shook myself. "No. Goodnight." I turned and made my way to where I'd parked my car down the block.

"Goodnight, Officer Morris." 

Only Human (Detroit: Become Human // Connor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now