Connor, Hank, and I stood together as what remained of Adam was taken out in thick, opaque bags. My mind raced as I thought of the last words to come from the androids mouth.

RA9, rA9... is that what they've decided to call it?

I turned away, mumbled to the guys that I needed a break. Hank just grunted in response, while Connors eyes followed me. I climbed the stairs and made my way to the roof.

The view from the Detroit City PD's roof was nice, especially around now. The day had been long and the sun had started to set. I rested my arms on the ledge and closed my eyes. RA9...

"Officer Morris."

The moment of loneliness was gone. I turned around. "Connor?"

"Is everything alright?"

"Sure. I'm fine." I turned back around, looking again towards the city.

"Your behaviour shows that that is a lie."

I sighed. "Well something kind of crazy happened in the interrogation room, wouldn't you say? I think I have enough of a reason to take a breather."

"That's not it though." He moved beside me. His black and silver jacket moved in the slight breeze. "You were disturbed before as well."

It wasn't a question. I didn't respond.

"Do you know anything about rA9?"

I turned to him. "What, you're interrogating me now?"

"You have become defensive. I was simply asking a question."

I took a deep breath and got my emotions back in check. "I've never heard an android mention rA9 before today."

He gave me a look as though he was analyzing me - he probably was. "You avoided my question."

"What do you mean."

"You are incredibly clever, Officer Morris--"

"You can just call me Miranda, you know. Everyone else does."

"You are clever, Miranda. My question was 'do you know anything about rA9', not 'have you heard about rA9 from an android before.'"

I shifted so I was facing him, leaning on the bannister with my hip. From this close, I could really see how much his skin resembled porcelain. No longer a natural finish, the androids coming out of CyberLife now were supermodels. His dark synthetic hair barely left its hold, save for a few strands that moved with the wind.

Connor spoke again, his ceramic lips forming the words delicately. "You look concerned."

I took a breath. "I'm sorry, Connor. I really can't say anything."

His head cocked and his eyebrows furrowed. "Of course you can. Just talk."

I shook my head. "You wouldn't understand, Connor. It would get me fired."

"Officer, if you have information about rA9 that you're withholding, that could be considered obstruction of justice. You wouldn't get fired, you'd get arrested."

I scoffed. "Yeah, Connor, I'll definitely tell you now. I'd love to get arrested."

I started walking away, but Connor grabbed my arm. His grip was firm, but I ripped myself from his grasp. "You should just leave me alone. The case is over. MaryAnn can be convicted. You don't need to associate with me anymore."

"My ongoing investigation is regarding rA9, so I guess I will continue to associate myself with you."

I reached the door, but before I could open it, Connor placed his hand in front of me. "Would you tell me if I didn't tell the Chief?"

"You wouldn't do that. It's not in your programming."

"How would you know what is in my programming?"

"It doesn't matter, Connor. But the fact is, you'd tell him."

His feedback component blinked yellow as he looked at me. "I won't."

It's happening to him... the code.

I took a breath. "RA9 isn't an android. Adam was wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"It's the first 3 characters of a code. It's my code." 

Only Human (Detroit: Become Human // Connor x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum