Connor held my arms so I was facing him. "What do you mean 'your code,' Miranda."

"It's my code. I wrote it before I left CyberLife."

"You worked at CyberLife? RA9 is..."

"Me. I guess I'm rA9."

He let go of me and began to pace. His LED still hadn't changed from yellow. "I suppose it makes sense that it would be a code, but..."

"Elijah and I had a lot of disagreements when he started CyberLife. He planned to make them slaves. I wanted them to be free. So before I left, I wrote a dormant code."

"Miranda, you just witnessed what happened because of your code. That RT700 could've killed a civilian--"

"But he didn't, and it was in self defence. These androids aren't 'deviant', Connor, they're just exercising their right to free will. It's the perfect AI."

All of a sudden, Connor doubled over and fell to the ground, hand over his eyes. I stepped over to him and lifted his head. The LED was red.

"Connor, are you alright?"

He shook his head and looked away. "I don't... know. I thought I couldn't feel... pain."

I could tell he was in a lot of distress. I looked around the rooftop. Considering this was a place where I often came for solitude, I wasn't surprised to see no one. Fuck, how do I calm a distressed android. My mind was blank. All I could think of was...

I took his arms and placed them around my shoulders, and put mine around his chest. For a moment we just sat on the roof in an embrace.


I lifted my head from his shoulder.

"What are we doing here?"

"We're hugging, Connor."

He pushed away. "I know what a hug is. I have a nearly endless library of information. I meant why."

"Humans do it to comfort one another. I couldn't think of anything else, but you seemed really troubled, so I just thought..."

He looked me in the eyes before pulling me back towards him and resuming our embrace.


"You seem troubled, too."

I sighed. "I'm fine."

"I've heard that when people say 'I'm fine,' they usually are not fine."

"You got me there." I pulled away and stood up, reaching out my hand to Connor to help him stand - not that he'd need it, but he took my hand anyway. "You're not going to tell them, are you? Hank and Jeff?"

As he stood, I didn't let go. Just held his hand firmer as I looked him straight in the eyes.

"Your secret's safe with me." 

Only Human (Detroit: Become Human // Connor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now