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Nicole's pov

Yesterday was one of the best days I've ever had..... 
Bola is a very nice person,and so gentlemanly I think am falling hard...

Anyway today,am going to make sure I walk into that school with my head held up high without a care in the world and enjoy everything that happens cause I learnt a valuable lesson: you don't and should never expect things to go exactly how you planned cause it'll blow up in your face.

Deciding to finally take a shower, I wore a black tank top tucked in my khaki shorts and my combat boots.. I just simply put mascara and lipgloss,not really a fan of makeup....


To say I was kinda scared and uneasy was an understatement.....
Lemme give you a recap

I started walking through the halls to my locker when people started staring and talking...no need to take it wrong cause I'm already used to the attention,but now it's too much... I even heard some girl say she pities me; another was calling me a thirsty hoe...really funny if you ask me

And then the worst happened when I finally entered the cafeteria for lunch... it was like the whole school was waiting for me to get in.... they all focused their attention on me indstead of their own food...

I know am damn sexy and pretty but over staring is just rude

"What are you guys looking at huh?! Haven't you seen a person before?" Joan yelled dragging me to the very back were we normally sat.

"What's going on?"

"You haven't heard?" She asked me shocked

"Yup.. nothing that I know of"

"Well what happened to you on October 11th?" Why the hell is she asking that?? She doesn't know right?

"What does that have to do with whatever is going on??"

"It has everything to do with why you got triple stares today... why didn't you tell me?? Why did you keep pretending that your fine when you aren't!" She almost yelled

But nothing could come out of my mouth.... many things were running through my mind right now..
I don't even know where to begin

"Won't you say something!"

"What do you want me to say huh!! That I was raped at a party; or that my parents threw me out of my house without hearing an explanation specifically my mom, or that I got pregnant with that bastards child and that I couldn't keep the damn thing cause I was unstable to do so!! Or the part that I lost my best friends huh! What part do you wanna hear!"
I cut her short almost screaming and now everyone was looking at us or me

"I'm sorry I didn't mean–"

"Cut that bullshit... your just like everybody else.... well surprise surprise, i don't need ur sympathy or pity cause I'm perfectly fine handling everything on my own..always have been and I don't need anymore help"

And with that, I left.... who else knows about this??


Unknown pov

I was so freaking happy with what happened today...
this is just the beginning Nikki
Step one: check!
Step two:on the go

You are so going to regret what you did to me.... finally, all these years I'm smiling again...
Now,I'll just sit back and watch the rest of the show


Nate's pov

I feel so terrible! How could Maddison do this to me after our agreement!

I decided to go over to Nikki's to try to talk to her, I wonder how she must feel right now and it's all my fault....

I knocked twice but nothing happened so j rang the bell again till the door opened to reveal Nicole with blood shot eyes and a swollen face, she was wearing a huge grey shirt with matching sweatpants with her hair tied up in a bun at the top of her head

"Are you here to mock me too?" She asked sniffing

"No I..I came to apologize actually "

"Apologize for what? You think you know how I feel right now? I feel like shit and I want to be alone so if you're here to pity me like everybody else then you can go back to where you came from" she said gesturing towards the door

So she didn't know that it was me who-—
Never mind I don't even wanna think about it

"No... I was never intending to pity you but would you just let me in?" I asked with hopes of her not kicking me out again but she doesn't reply instead she lets go of the door handle and walks to the living room and I just followed her in

"Look, I know you probably don't want to talk to anyone right now especially me and I get that but please do not let this get to you, you're a strong,beautiful and independent person I know...you always tell people to look on the bright side of things and make a bad event as memorable as you can... I won't look at you differently because some assshole raped you and you got an abortion and nobody should either... it doesn't change who you are for anything....there is absolutely no better you than the you that you are... you gotta open up and let people help you" wow am so proud of myself for that little speech

"Trusting people has made me that asshole I am today.... I don't think anyone is worth my trust anymore " I didn't realize how close we were till I felt our noses almost touching

"It's hard I know but if you are ever gonna have people to trust you,you must feel that you can trust them too- even when you're in the dark,especially when you're falling "

She just scoffs before answering
"And how do you think I do that?"
I don't think I have control of my body cause before I had finished registering and agreeing with my brain on what to do next am already leaning in and pressing my lips against hers.... I've been waiting so long to be able to do that ...

Her lips were so soft as I imagined and they taste like strawberries even though a little salty from her tears.... not after she responded by parting her lips so I could gain entrance into her mouth....
She slowly raised her hands to my hair and started pulling it softly before she pulled back by pushing me slowly with her small hands on my chest

"What's wrong?" I asked ... I mean she clearly enjoyed it right....I hope am not a bad kisser or anything
No girl has ever complained about my kissing

"We can't....we shouldn't this isn't right " she said quickly standing up


"Cause I already have a boyfriend "

Turning back to me before she went upstairs she said

"Because I kissed you back doesn't mean I forgave you for standing me up on our supposed date"

A/N: sooo you like?? 😂
I've changed my updates days now to weekly depending on my schedule although some days I'll update a double or triple chapter and I'll try to make them longer also don't forget to check out story of my life on my profile (I welcome covers)
Anyway also don't forget to check out found by @RuthGyang930 she's a very good writer although she just started anyway why don't you tap the little star at the bottom of your screen and your opinion would be really really nice
Also don't forget to share
Muah 💋

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