Linh x Wylie

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Author's note: Shannon Messenger owns the characters and world this short story is set in.

Linh could feel every drop of moisture in the air. She could sense the amount of water in the house. She helped heal Wylie. Linh flooded Ravagog, and she saved Atlantis. However, even with all those things, Linh would never understand her parents. They'd hidden her and her brother's birth identity. They'd let her be banished even though her incident in Atlantis was their fault. So when Tam stomped back into their room after another fight with their father, Linh didn't blame him.

    "What was this one about?" Linh asked, as Tam flopped onto his bed.

    Tam sighed,"the usual." He sat up straighter and mocked their father's voice,"TAM! We've invited you back into our house, so don't act like our existence is one big curse. Blah blah honor. Blah blah twins."

    Linh giggled then turned serious,"it could be worse though Tam. We could still be living in tents with barely enough to eat."

    "At least in the tents we didn't talk to people besides ourselves." Tam countered.

    "Says the guy who talked to Sophie when you got the first glance of her."

    "Doesn't every guy do that?"

    Linh laughed,"whatever. I'm having dinner with Wylie and Tirgen tonight. You can come if you want."

    Tam shook his head,"nah, I have to have a stupid friendship seminar with Keefe and Forkle."

    "You have a WHAT?"

    "Forkle wants me and Keefe to put aside our many differences..."

    " many you mean three, right?"

    "And become friends," Tam said while rolling his eyes. "It's stupid. I don't get it."

    Linh sighed,"I think Biana and Sophie complained about having to break up fights between you two all the time."

    Tam shrugged,"I have no regrets."

    "Just stay out of trouble, and I'll be home soon."

    "No promises. Also, please talk to Wylie so I can arrange a time to talk to him."

    Linh gave a confused glance to Tam,"what do you need to talk to Wylie about?"

    "Brother to boyfriend threats."

    "Please don't do that."

    "It's necessary." Linh shuddered just picturing it and decided to leave as soon as possible.

    "Okay, I love you!" Linh said walking out the door.

    "Love you too! Ugh! Princess Purryfins is trying to break her cage again!"

"Hey," Wylie said, grinning at her. "Just you?"

"Just me," Linh replied. "Is that alright?"

"It's....perfect." Wylie's dark green tunic looked striking against his skin. Linh loved how he held himself these days, tall and confident. She saw his eyes studying her. Linh hoped he thought she looked just as good.

"My dads actually aren't going to make it tonight, so it's just us. Sorry for the short notice." Wylie glanced at her, and she could see the worry in his eyes.

"That's fine," Linh said, a little relieved. "It will be nice to get away from adults for a bit."

"I'm an adult!"

"True, but I meant the adults that Sophie is always annoying and scaring half to death."

Wylie laughed,"I guess that's a perfect way to describe them." He led her to the table, and as they ate, they exchanged different stories. Stories about friends and family. Stories about school and failed dates. Stories about each other.

After a while, Wylie kept fidgeting in his pocket. Linh asked,"is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just got you something." Wylie pulled out a long silver chain with a small round crest on it. The Endal crest.

"Oh, wow," Linh breathed. "It's beautiful."

"You're my girlfriend right? You should have some way to remember that you're part of my family." Linh smiled as Wylie gently put it on.

"I love it." And she really did. However terrible her parents might be, she'd always have a true family that cared about her.

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