Draco x Harry

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Author's note: This story was requested by Justabatbat. Thanks for the very specific and hilarious prompt.

"Are you sure?" Draco asked for what must have been the fifteenth time," My mother can be...stuck in the past"

"You mean with your father?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded, his gray eyes looking at the sunset," She never got over him leaving."

Harry stared at the sunset trying to imagine what Draco and Narssica could possibly be going through. Although he missed his parents, he was a baby when they died. The thought of a parent leaving after years of cherishing and loving a child filled Harry's heart with so much burning sympathy, he felt like his heart was made of lead.

"I'm sorry Draco," Harry said. They'd only been dating for a couple of months, but the way Draco looked back up at him made his stomach flip. Then Harry kicked himself, as he should probably be focusing on comforting his boyfriend.

Draco wiped his eyes and hugged him," We should probably go inside before my mother drags us in."

They walked inside of Malfoy manor and headed into the dining hall. Narssica heard them and bustled forward.
"Are you two ready for dinner?" Narssica asked breathlessly.

Harry nodded," Yes, thank you for inviting me."

Narssica smiled and replied," Of course, it's my pleasure." Draco and Harry took their seats on the dining room table. Narssica brought out food, but before she sat down, she let out a loud, stinky, and breath holding fart.

Draco blushed and complained," MUM!"

"Sorry dear," Narssica smiled. "I'm very sorry Harry."
Harry laughed," That's the most I've ever seen Draco blush, you're amazing!"

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