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Saturday, 8:56 am

It was a sunny day in Seoul, Choi Ahri was walking down the sidewalk with a Book on her right hand while the left-hand holds her Stradivarius cello her dad bought for her 12th birthday, she is on the way for her weekly cello lessons with Mrs.Lee.

Rushing, because she is late.

"shoot shoot shoot, I'm late!" the girl mumbles to herself.

She continues to rush when a body collided into hers.

"I'm sorry!" the person in front of hers spoke up while reaching his hand out to help her.

Ahri sighed before replying, "It's ok, it's my fault anyway." Ahri accepted his hand.


the boy chuckled, "No it's not, I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm sorry again."

This time, ahri chuckled before replying "ok, I accept your apology." she giggled.

ahri looked at her watch, her eyes widening when she saw the numbers.

9:00 am

"what is it?" the boy asked confused. "I'm late!"

"It was nice meeting you...?" ahri trailed off not knowing his name.

"Oh, It's Huening Kai call me Kai." Kai beamed his smile at her.

"And it was nice bumping into you....?" Kai trailed off

"It's Ahri, Choi Ahri." ahri offered her hand, and the boy gladly accepting it, shaking her hands.

There it is again, the spark

dugdug dugdug

my heart! why? She thought.

Ahri shrugged off her thoughts, "I'm late, I need to go now! bye, kai!" She waved at Kai before walking past him and vanished slowly.


"You're late again, Choi Ahri." Mrs. Lee slammed her stick on her desk

"I know Mrs. Lee, I'm sorry I had errands to run." Ahri replied, though she did sleep too late.

Mrs. Lee looked at her for a second, then nodding her head before saying.

"I understand, but don't be late next time" her tutor sighed.

"let's start shall we?" Mrs.Lee informed.

Ahri nodded, grabbing her cello and opening it to start her lesson.

The day passed by like a blur, now ahri was walking down the sidewalk.

Her lesson ended 15 minutes ago, however, something passed by her mind.

It was the boy that she encountered earlier morning, she thought of their hands touching together. She felt sparks flying, she remembered his face. His black eyes, the way it shined.

His pale skin, the way it glowed. His pointy nose, the way it scrunched up. And his plump lips, she wanted to kiss them. Oh, how she wanted to be the one to kiss them.

wait, no. that's weird, we just bumped.

After all those thoughts, she's already standing at her porch wondering if anyone was home. She opened her door, knowing her mom was in the kitchen. She softly smiled to herself before shouting. "MOM I'M HOME!!"

Putting down her cello, her mom was the first one to speak

"Oh hey sweetie! how was the lesson?" she asked.

"The usual, I bumped into a cute boy today mom." she squealed.

Her mom squealed too, before asking again "Really? What was he like?"

"He was so Kind at me and handsome." She answered.

"My little baby isn't a baby anymore, What was his name by the way?"

"Huening Kai, I hope he goes to our school though." she thought.

"Me too sweetie, I sure hope so." her mom replied.

Her mom was the only one she told about her day, crushes, her love life. Her Dad was too occupied with his business.

"I'm going to my room mom, I'm going to relax for a bit" she informed before standing up.

"You go get that rest girl, you've had a long day. Go daydream about that boy." her mom teased.

"Okay, mom." she chuckled before going upstairs.

She opened her door, she went inside then closed it again. She immediately went to her bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, she picked up her pajamas and put them on. She flopped onto her bed, she sighed thinking if she'll ever meet that boy again. Her eyes felt drowsy, so she closed her eyes and fell into dreamland.

Meanwhile, the boy in his room looked up to the night sky.

Notification: It is now 11:11 pm!

Huening Kai sighed before saying, "why do I even bother."

then he fell into dreamland.


They'll meet in the next chapter! I wrote this on my laptop ㅋㅋㅋ

They'll meet in the next chapter! I wrote this on my laptop ㅋㅋㅋ

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