chapter 4

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It's been a week since Lincoln fixed the toy animatronics, the toy animatronics were happy with Lincoln but they are still afraid of the phantoms. They always try to avoid some of them but they can't do that forever so they always go to Lincoln's room where they feel safe.

Lincoln always tell them that the phantoms are friendly but they still don't trust them.

Lincoln's thought: what should I do, I always tell them that the phantoms are friend but they're still afraid of them.

Lincoln stood there thinking of a plan, suddenly he had a great idea.

Lincoln: I should have them lock in a room for a day so the toys can see how friendly the phantoms are.

He smiled and called the phantom, Lincoln told them the plan and they agreed.

Lincoln: let the plan begin.

Lincoln told the toys to meet him in one of the party room, they went there but they didn't expect the phantom animatronics there.

A speaker turned on and they heard the voice of Lincoln.

Lincoln: hello there everyone, you'll be stuck here for a day. I want the toy animatronics to get use to you phantoms.

Lincoln turned off the speaker and went into the kitchen to prepare food.

Lincoln: what should I cook?

He looked around and saw a cook book.

Lincoln: a cook book, I don't need it but I need a idea what to make.

He opened it and found a lot of food to make but some of them have the wrong ingredient.

Lincoln: some of this are wrong.

Lincoln found the found he want to cook.

Lincoln: found it.

He started to cook.

With the animatronics.

The phantoms are in the other side of the room, they were worried about the toys because they can see they are trembling.

Phantom chica: I feel sorry for them.

P. Puppet: me too, I want to help them but they are scared of us.

P. Foxy: you're not the only one.

They saw the toy animatronics crying, the phantoms was confused.

P. Freddy: I'm going to approach them.

He walked towards the toys but the toys keep backing up.

P. Freddy: I won't hurt you.

Toy freddy: and why should we believe you?

Toy chica: they always say that to us!

They started to cry because of a bad memory that have been brought up.

P. Freddy's mind: those people on Lincoln's school are monsters, they should have been killed by Lincoln!

Lincoln entered the room and saw the toys animatronics crying.

Lincoln: toy chica bunny Freddy and foxy!

He went up to them and asked what happened.

Toy chica: we just remembered something bad.

They stopped crying and hugged him.

Toy freddy: please don't leave us.

Lincoln: sorry guys but I have to do this.

He gave all of them food and left but before he left he looked at the toys, he saw all of them looking at him with tears coming from their eyes.

Lincoln's mind: I'm really sorry.

The door closed behind him, he went to his room and started making new upgrades.

Lincoln: I wish them luck.

With the animatronics.

The toys are talking with each other while the phantoms are sleeping.

Toy chica: they seem friendly but scary at the same time.

Toy Bonnie: I know right.

Toy freddy: Lincoln seem to trust them, I think we should trust them too.

Toy foxy: what if they break us too?

They heard the speaker turned on.

Speaker: attention everyone, you have 23 hours left until you're free to go. I repeat 23 hours left until you're free to go.

They saw the light on the speaker turned red.

P. Chica: 23 hours!

Toy chica: what should we do?

Toy freddy: what about..... We play monopoly.

Toy Bonnie: do you see any games here?

The speaker turned on again.

Speaker: I forgot to tell you there are games in the other room but you can't stay there.

They Freddy went to the other room and started to search monopoly.

Toy freddy: where is it?

???: finding something?

Toy Freddy turned around and saw phantom Freddy.

Toy freddy: d-do y-you know where the monopoly is?

P. Freddy: sorry but no.

P. Freddy looked at him.

P. Freddy: you know, you should not be scared of us.

Toy Freddy just looked at him.

P. Freddy: we might look scary but we're really nice.

Toy freddy: sorry if we have trust issues but you heard our story right.

P. Freddy: that's true we heard your story and I have to admit, what they did is cruel at the point me and everyone else wanted to take revenge.

Toy freddy: I know.

They talked for acouple of minutes, Toy Freddy got used to P. Freddy.

With lincoln

Lincoln was watching everything, conversation, story even who made the toys.

Lincoln: this is quite interesting.

Lincoln started to write down notes.

Lincoln: what should I do with everyone that abused the toys?

He went to his room and opened a closet and inside it is a bunch of weapons like swords, guns, laser and bombs.

Lincoln: what should I pick?

With Toy Freddy and P. Freddy

Toy Freddy and P. Freddy have been talking for a while.

Toy freddy: do you think we should go back there?

P. Freddy: yeah everyone might be worried.

When they went outside Toy Freddy suddenly got hugged.

Toy animatronics except toy freddy: are you alright?

He nodded.

Toy freddy: don't worry I just talked with P. Freddy.

The toys looked shocked.

T. Chica: you mean the one that looked like a scary bear?

He nodded.

T. Freddy: like you said "look" he is actually nice.

They just stared at him.

The next day.

All the toys and phantom got along and started to play and talk with each other, Lincoln plan actually worked even though the phantom can go through wall they still stayed there so the toy animatronics can get used to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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