My deku

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Izuku pov
Me and Kacchan decided to go to Kirishima's party.  We all played truth or dare and other party games. Me and Kacchan stayed by each other most of the party. Then kacchan went to go use the bathroom. I sat the the couch and waited for him to come back. I was just playing on my phone until it was suddenly snatched from me. Todoroki-kun! I gigged. Gimmie my phone back! He then leaned down and whispered in my ear, if you want your phone, show me that you deserve it. H-how do you exactly me to do that? Like this~. Then he pinned me to the couch and started kissing me. I tried to push him off but he was to strong. I  didn't kiss back obviously. Then he pulled away, why won't you kiss me back damnit? Because I have a boyfriend! Not anymore. Then he tried to kiss me again until I heard kacchan's voice. Get the hell off of him. Now! He quickly got off of me and left the room. I got up as quick as I found and ran to Kacchan. He pulled me into a hug and ruffled my hair. Youre mine, dont let anyone tell you other wise. I nodded then he grabbed my hand pulling me into the main room to play truth or dare. We were all sitting on the floor in a circle. Of course todoroki sat next to me. Kacchan gave him a death glare before pulling me into his lap, and resting his head on my shoulder. I felt so warm and safe a his arms. My eyes started to get heavier by the second. Until I fell asleep with Kacchan arms wrapped around my waist.

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