Almost soulmates p.t 1 [tododeku]

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This one is a little sad

Deku pov
"Honey! Breakfast is ready!" I heard my mom yell from down stairs "ok I'll be right down!" I crawled out of bed and started to get dressed, then I remembered today is the day our soulmates name shows up on our wrist! Some people get really unlucky with a blank name. When I looked at my wrist it was blank, but I didn't worry because everyone gets there name at a different time.

Once I finished getting dressed I fixed my hair up then went down stairs. I was greeted by breakfast on the table with a note under it.

I had to leave for work early. I'll be home around 10-11pm please be safe and eat the breakfast I made, love you!

I finished eating and grabbed my bag before checking my wrist Again. I saw a faint outline of a name. But I still couldn't make it out.

Once I got to school everyone was already talking about the names they got, some got  names they've never heard of, or maybe their closest friend. And some were still blank.
"Hey deku! What name did you get!" Uraraka said running up to me. "Oh i don't know if  it's showed up yet.." Uraraka pulled up my sleeve to reveal the name. It still hasn't shown up all the way, but just enough to make out the name.

Bakugo Katsuki

"Uh deku? You got...bakugo..." she seemed shocked, and maybe a little worried too, I was the same could my bully of 14 years be my soulmate?! "No that can't be right! He's my bully! I'm scared of him!" "Don't worry deku, maybe things will get better between you two?" Uraraka reassured me.i nodded and tried to brush it off. "Well, who'd you get?" She showed me her wrist. "Oh! I got iida!" "You should go talk to him!" I smiled at her. She nodded and left to talk to iida. I couldn't find Kacchan anywhere though. But, I didn't really want to talk to him right now anyway.

The bell rang and aizawa sensei walked into the class room with Kacchan beside him. "Alright class is starting! Get into your seats now so I can explain some things" Kacchan glared at me before sitting down. Once the class quieted down sensei started to talk about the soulmate situation. "Ok, I know everyone is aware about the names on our wrists, right?" The class nodded "most of you should have a name by now. Blank names are rare but can happen, and I'm sorry for anyone who's wrist is blank, but  we so have some rules that need to be understood. One, because their your soulmate doesn't give you permission to make out with them in the halls, much more the dorms. If we catch you getting a little to physical with your soulmate , you'll have serious consequences, but, we don't care what you do outside of the school" the class agreed. "Also, your soulmate might change, this could happen if maybe passed away, or, someone else starts to win you over. Any questions?" The class shook there head no, "ok, class can start now then.

Class ended and everyone was getting up to go to lunch. As I walked out the classroom to meet up with my friends I felt a hand around my wrist. But before I could look back "oi nerd, where do you think your going?!" Kacchan, I turned around. "O-oh hey kacchan! I w-was just going to meet up with todo-" "shut up! I don't care! Show me your arm now!" "O-ok..." I pulled up my sleeve to reveal his name, I was mine on his wrist too, "UGH! How did I end up with YOU!? I hope you don't think we're going to become a thing or something!" "N-no Kacchan! I didn't think that at a-all! And it's not my fault you're my soulmate, I don't make the rules!" Kacchan let go of my wrist. "I'll show you we're NEVER going to become soulmates, Just watch me!" He walked away and I let out a sigh of relief, at least he didn't beat me this time.

I finally got to lunch and sat down with todoroki, iida and uraraka. "Hey deku! What took you so long?" Uraraka asked. ", and Kacchan we're talking..that's it!" "Oh...was it ..a friendly talk?" "I wouldn't say friendly talk,..but he didn't hit me!" "Oh ok!"

"Oh yeah! Todoroki-kun! Who's name did you get?" I said before taking a bite out of my food. " oh's blank." "Oh..I'm sorry todoroki!" "It's okay,"

I felt bad for him having a blank name, if anything I wish he would've gotten my name. I love todoroki! I was pretty disappointed when I got kacchans name. I've had a crush on todoroki since the first day I met him. Not only is he good looking but he has an amazing personality. His voice is soothing, I love everything about him.
I got distracted while daydreaming about him that I didn't even realize he was calling my name.
"Izu?" (Izu is izuku is shortened and I thought it was a cute nickname <3)
I finally snapped out of it. "Oh- un- Sorry! yeah todoroki-kun?" Did he just call me Izu? "Are you okay?" "Yeah! I'm fine! I just zoned out for a minute, that's all!" Todoroki let out a small chuckle. "Anyway, who's name did you get Midoriya?" "Oh, I got Kacchan...but...he's my bully of 14 years and he wasn't happy when he figured out we were supposed to be soulmates..." "I'm sorry's possible to find someone else. My older brother told me. If someone else started to win you over the others name starts to disappear letter by letter, while the person name that's winning you over, starts appear on your other arm." I was relieved to hear that, at least now I know there's a chance... "oh, that's awesome! Now maybe I have a chance to not end up with Kacchan!" I laughed a little and todoroki laughed along with me.

Lunch ended and me and todoroki walked together back to class. Once we walked in Kacchan was kissing some girl. I believe her name was camie, but I couldn't quite remember. They kissed for awhile until the girl had to leave for her own classes. But before she left Kacchan brought her over to me, I guess to rub it in my face. "See nerd! This is my girlfriend camie!" "Nice to meet you!" She said in a friendly voice. "Hello nice to meet you too." I replied with a small smile. "Welp I gotta get to class now! Bye babe!" She kissed him on the check before leaving. "I told you I'd show you! Now I have a girlfriend I love her, NOT you!" Kacchan sneered. " I don't think that's how that works Kacchan.." "Shut up! Your just mad!" Then he left and sat it his seat.

After about a week me and todoroki got closer! We started to go to the park and go out to eat with each other! I enjoyed every second of it! I'm getting to hang out my crush!

~2 weeks later cuz I'm a little lazy :)~

Did you hear? Bakugo's girlfriend cheated on him!
I heard he didn't like his soulmate so he dated her to cover it up!
Hm? I guess it just wasn't meant To be...
I heard as I walked into the classroom, todoroki beside me. Kacchan was no where to be seen. I sat in my seat and me and todoroki talked for awhile until I saw Kacchan start to walk towards my desk. He slammed his hands onto my desk, His eyes were a little red and puffy, probably from crying. "T-THIS IS ALL OF YOUR FAULT!" "How is this my Fault?! I'm not the one who made your girlfriend cheat on you!" "MAYBE IF YOU WERE NEVER BORN NONE OF THIS WOULDVE EVER HAPPENED! NO WONDER YOUR DAD LEFT! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!" It was all ok until he mentioned my father leaving me. "M-my dad..yeah your right...I d-do ruin everything don't I?" I say as my eyes started to fill with tears. " no d-deku I didn't mean to-" " no! It's fine.. your right! You're always right! I guess since you obviously don't want the here I'll just go.." I have kacchna a forced smile before running to the bathroom. I closers the stall and sat on the floor, my knees to my chest, and cried.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes! This took a few days to finish! Part 2 to this will be out in a few days to a week :)!

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