Neko deku [bakudeku]

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I love todoroki but he's a jerk in this so..

So midoriya? Since you're like a cat will you purr if I pet you? Todoroki asked deku. Yes...but I only really let Kacchan pet me...And why is that? Well...he's my boyfriend and all, he's also been with me long enough to know what parts of me I don't like to be messed with, or are more sensitive than others, for example, my ears are really sensitive, but when Kacchan pets behind then, it feels nice. Deku let out a small smile. Mind if I pet you? Todoroki asked with a soft voice. Mmm, I don't know...I don't really like other people petting me. Please? I'll be gentle, I promise. Mmm, ok just this once...and people remember my ears are really sensitive so just pet behind them gently like I said, ok? Ok I promise.

Todoroki then reached out his hand out and placed his hand behind deku's ear. He was gentle at first causing deku to purr like he said he would, but then started to become rough , beginning to touch the sensitive spots on his ears. T-todoroki-k-kun! Stop! Deku tried to get away but todoroki grabbed his hand, holding him in place. No, it's fun. He said with a slight chuckle. Deku once again called for help before starting to cry. Todoroki! P-please s-stop! Kacchan! Help me!  Todoroki heard rapid footsteps and got up, running to his dorm before he could be spotted. Leaving deku crying on the floor. Bakugo quickly ran up to him and held him in his arms. Deku? What happened? I heard you calling my name is everything alright? T-todoroki h-he- my e-ears...deku cried into Bakugo's chest. Bakugo immediately knew what he meant. Deku? Go back to my dorm and wait on my bed. I'll be there as soon possible ok? Deku nodded and got up to Bakugo's dorm. Once he arrived he sat on his bed. Waiting like Kacchan said to.


Bakugo ran to todoroki's dorm, figuring he was hiding out there. He didn't hesitate to bust down the door. When he did so he ignored the fact the todo and momo were about to get down and dirty (I don't ship todomomo but I just wanted to add that 4 some reason lol) he pulled todo off of momo and punched him as hard as he could in the face.

Don't EVER touch deku again! Bakugo shouted before pushing him to the ground. I'm not afraid to END YOUR GOD DAMN LIFE! Ugh...o-ok I was just having some fun dude! Todoroki said weakly. If hurting an innocent person and making them cry is your sense of fun, maybe you should find something else to satisfy your needs. Bakugo then walked back to walked back to his dorm, deku still waiting for him. As soon as he walked in deku ran up and hugged him. Bakugo Hughes him back. He won't be doing that again anytime soon, okay? *sniff* thank you k-Kacchan. Of course deku, anything for you. Kacchan? Can we w-watch a movie? Sure, bakugo smiled .

Deku picked up the movie while bakugo made popcorn. Deku sat in Bakugo's lap while they watched the movie. Bakugo reaches out to pet deku's ears. This made him jump because he was a little traumatized because of what had happened. Don't worry deku. I'll be gentle. I always am, he smiled softly and deku nodded. He pet deku gently behind his ears. Deku purred softy before they both fell asleep as the movie ended.

I'm really proud of this tbh! 😌

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