trust your enemy

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It's been a week after the vacation in new york,  alison told her parents about the engagement im happy both of our families are open minded in our relationship.  Alison dilaurentis is already mine.. . And im waiting for my fiance on her driveway.. . We will going school today.. for our exam...  i saw her walking towards me.. she opened the door and kissed me..

"Good morning sexy!" She said...

" woah sexy huh? " i leaned to kiss her passionately..  we pulled away to catch some air.

"Well we better get going... the temperature is rising.. " i smiled and give her a kiss on her cheek..

"I love you,  ali" i said..

She hold my hand..

"I love you more than anything in this world.."

And we started the car and go to school.

We arrived early at school so we waited for the others so we can enter in rosewood high together..   within a minute the girls arrived..

I saw aria looking depressed.. she looked at alison and hugged her again! 

But instead of jealousy i felt sadness for her.. . Ezra is A and i know she don't know what to do..


I hugged alison again.. . Because of what i discovered.. 

Flash back

Im still sleeping when ezra hugged me.. and kissed my neck i moaned its been two weeks since i had a sex so i know my body needs him so i turned to him and kissed him back.. .

He started to undressed me. He kissed my neck down to my breast..  his left hand is giving massage my left breast while he sucked the other breast. I moaned louder , the moan excite him so he kissed me harder and give me some kissed marks... . He let me roll on his top he entered his thing inside mine.. i moved slowly first.. but i know ezra don't like slow sex.. so i quickly changed the rhythm i begin to fast as i can.. i can feel the climax and i know he also reaching the climax.. ezra plucked my hair sign that he reached his climax... . I let my body fall beside him he kissed me and get up.. to bed..

"I need to be hurry, i love you.. " ezra said while putting his clothes. " you need to get up now. You have school today.. " he smiled and kissed me.. . I smiled back...

" I'll be up in a minute..  " he waved before he closed the room.  I got up and look on the living room if ezra is still there..  i heard the front door locked so i went to the living room..   i texted spencer and hanna to Finally come here on Ezra's apartment..  to investigate.. a minute both girls knocked on the door and i walked to open the door for them.. im already wearing clothes..

"Are you okay?" Hanna asked..

"Yes i am, we need to get faster emily is on alison house already." I said..

"Alright,  where is the secret drawer you've discovered?  " i can see spencer eyes is full of excitement she really likes playing detective..

"There" i pointed a small table that has a vase. I moved the vase and push the button.. . And the secret drawer opened..

" amazing!"hanna said with


Without saying spencer looked inside the drawer and she saw alot of picture of alison , undressed, tie, with black eyed and the last that make us cry when one of the picture that alison was on the ground.without any clothes and ezra, toby and caleb was holding an eleCtric clip and they put it on alison back.. even she was blindfolded we can see tears on her eyes.. 

Personally i want to kill ezra.. she can't do this to alison. I begin to cry..

"Aria, we need to go.. " hanna said while sobbing  i hugged her.

"Yeah we have to." Took a picture of everything.. .

Spencer really thinks she is a detective.. 

I nodded and before we left we fixed everything.

End of flash back.

"What's. Wrong aria?" I almost forgot i hugged alison for about a minute.. i looked at emily and ahw just nodded.. ..

" we need to go on our first subject." Spencer's said.. and we all headed to our first subject. Chemistry.


Finally the class is done..  im waiting for the girls so we can go home together..  its really weird i never thought ezra was not capable of hurting people but i guess i was wrong..

I saw toby coming towards be.. i just smiled.

"Hey?  What are you doimg here alone.. ? Did you and the girls have a fight? " toby is up too something..  but realized the idea.. 

"Yes" i shouted tommy looked at me and i kissed him...

He looks confused but i hugged him..."yeah your right... we had a fight.. " when the girls approach and i grabbed toby to get out on the driveway..

Now i know what to do I'll text them later..


"Whats wrong with her and she looks Mad at us..?!"  Im annoyed.

" i dont have any idea.." emily said..

" its her plan." Alison said..

"Really alison?" I looked at her with confusion.. 

" that we need to act like we hates each other.. "

Aria said..

All of us agreed... so now we need to execute our plans..

Spencer is really smart... i sighed

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