#3 - Motel Bed

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The murmur of the car cut short as Ryan cut the engine. Ray jumped out and called over his shoulder “Wish me luck!” as he closed the door. Leaving Ryan alone with his thoughts, he grabbed the emergency bag he had stashed on the fire escape and Ray packed half his apartment leaving most of his tech but stashing his phone in a trash can on the way to the motel. Ray bounded back with motel keys dangling from his index finger “drive round back, I can point out the room the guy gave me directions” Ryan turned the ignition and the gentle murmur of the car sprang into life.


Ray lay sprawled on his back on the motel bed, Ryan was busying himself with the ancient TV and VCR set the static coming from the TV was making his hair stand on end and made Ray chuckle. Ryan honestly didn’t expect it to work but he figured it would impress Ray and well it would give them something to do.

*Mhr* “I need my pipe” Ryan chuckled at this. They where held up in some cheap ass motel room that and Ray was whining about not being able to get any weed. "Jesus christ Ray, kick a pebble in this shit hole and it will hit a drug dealer.” Ryan stopped fiddling with the TV and looked towards Ray waiting for his response *Bah* "I go up to anyone here and they will have there way with me. Will you go for me?” A pleading look shot across Ray’s face, it only needed to last for a second or two as Ryan was on his feet, grabbing the $10 from Ray’s outstretched hand and sauntering out the door.

Ray’s “Thanks” hung in the air around Ryan like an echo. He smiled and walked around the motel sniffing for the signature smell of pot smoke “Gotcha” Ryan muttered as he spotted a shady looking guy that was the source of the smell. He approached cautiously not wanting to scare off the guy or give him a reason to start something. “You selling mate?” Ryan half whispered once he got within arms reach. “Wot you after?” the shady stranger turned to face Ryan and dug around in his pocket checking for everything. “Pot, if you can” The stranger was nodding “I have $10” Ryan spluttered out as the stranger dug out a bag or weed and discreetly swapped it for the $10 in Ryan’s hand. Mid turn back to the motel room Ryan stumbled and the guy reached forward and caught him “er- thanks” “don’t sweat it” the stranger said. Ryan composed himself with a sly grin saw the stranger walk off to a group of younger men. Pretty proud with himself he strutted back to the hotel room.

Ray sat straight up and looked expectantly at Ryan. “Your in luck” Ryan pelted a $10 bag of weed at the puerto rican who caught it in shock. A sly grin snuck back onto his face as he pulled out the small bag of pills he managed to swipe from the dealer in his little ‘stumble’ Ray was too busy fashioning something to smoke with to notice Ryan’s bag of pills. He came stumbling through the doorway with a shoddily made bong and was busy sparking up. Ryan had already hid the bag back into his pocket

“Cheers mate” a stoned Ray muttered mid flop onto the double bed pushed up into the corner of the motel room the bed did nothing to break his impact but he didn’t care. Ryan was slumped against the uncomfortable chair in the corner of the room and was absent mindlessly kicking the broken VCR. “imma sure kicking it will make it work” “Fine then” Ryan prised himself from the armchair and took a step towards the double bed landing face down on Ray’s outstretched arm

* * *

The world began to spin and Ryan was stuck feeling a mix of nausea and happiness. After the world stopped spinning he looked around Ray still lay on the bed beside him and was still stoned giggling his head off at the ceiling panels. The sun was setting and the orange light was shining through the motel window they hadn’t eaten practically all day and Ryan felt his stomach protest. Ray had to be starving as well. “Ray, you wanna see if a drive thru is open or something? Im starving.”

With a little protest Ryan managed to get Ray into the car and they began a search for someplace to eat. Ray was getting a little annoying to say the least it took 20 minutes to track down someplace to eat and Ray said he didn’t want to anything from the menu so Ryan then had to find another place to eat, it was getting exhausting. Ryan finally snapped, he parked the car and got out and walked to a chicken place, if he and Ray had drove there and the puerto rican had decided he didn’t want chicken Ryan might actually strangle him.

'Ryan - The Strangler’ would be plastered across newspapers and that made him chuckle. The people in street looked at him like he was crazy but he didn’t care he was used to that look he got it off he colleagues on an almost daily basis. He waltzed into the fast food restaurant intent on buying the cheapest most filling food on the menu. He scanned the menu and it looked like a deluxe chicken bucket fit the bill Ryan was starving and he would bet the idiot in his passenger seat would be as well.

After buying a deluxe chicken bucket and a few portions of fries Ryan sauntered back to the car fortunately Ray didn't get in any trouble while he was out. "Here", Ryan threw the box of chicken over to Ray. It landed with a soft thud on his lap. Like an eager child Ray ripped off the lid as Ryan set off back to the motel. “Awr I wasn't really in the mood for chicken, can we stop by a deli or something?” Ray full well expected a reaction from Ryan. Both men knew this and Ryan, determined to win, slammed the breaks on the car causing Ray to almost get his head stuck in the bucket. “Wha-” Ryan placed one hand on the side or Ray’s seat and leaned over to almost whisper “You’re gonna eat that chicken Ray and you're gonna like it or i'm shoving it up your ass, understood?” Ray just nodded and glumly picked up the least offensive looking piece of chicken he could find and nibbled on it “Good.” Ryan gave a sly smile knowing he had won.

The chicken was still warm when the duo rolled into the motel parking lot. *Click* Ryan flicked the keys to cut the car engine keys in hand he hopped out the car and strolled around to the passenger side to give Ray a hand with the bucket since Ray had ripped the bag to shreds. “Pfft, show off” Ryan the larger of the two men had kicked open the off that Ray had been struggling to keep open and grabbed the chicken bucket off his lap leaving him holding a measly bag with a few stray fries floating around in the bottom. Remembering how the last confrontation went was enough to persuade Ray to just let it go, maybe he would bring it up when they were playing a game or something. Something that maybe he would be able to win. “Are you getting out the car or just sitting there all night?” Ryan’s call brought Ray back to earth and he hopped out the car, fries in hand, and palmed the door shut behind him.

A short fiddle with motel keys later and both men had busted into the motel room. Trash was scattered across the floor surrounding the bed and both men lay on their backs on either side of the bed digesting their food and chatting. “So would you suck a cop’s dick to get out of losing your licence?” Ray asked in a curious tone, “Well probably not I mean why am I losing my license?” “Well say you ran over someone or something, just would you?” Ray was convinced Ryan was dodging the question like he had the last few and he was determined to get an answer for this one. “If I was running people over then what's to stop me just running the cop down and driving into the sunset?” Ryan’s mind was elsewhere and he welcomed the chatting it didn't take much thought and let Ryan ponder over what he was going to do next. “Me, now just answer dude.” Ray’s tone was final and Ryan didn't want to cause an argument over nothing caved, “Yeah probably I mean I kinda need my license to drive your sorry ass about.” “Oh shit yeah, fuck that I would suck a cops dick if it means you still drive me about” Ryan couldn't help but chuckle to this but it was getting late and he was tired “Ray, Maybe we should get some sleep” the puerto rican jumped up and ran into the small bathroom shouting “First”. Typical Ryan thought to himself Ray always was first, for years Ryan thought he had OCD since he would always 100% his games and would hate to be left behind. In time he just learnt that that was Ray’s way and he accepted that. “I should really get the bed ready n’ close the curtains” Ryan muttered to himself, seconds later he found himself praying Ray didn’t hear him talking to himself.

Ryan pulled back the sheet of the bed and froze, a black mask was resting in the center of the double bed with a small business card on it. It seemed familiar, Ryan inspected it, the card was black with white writing on it ‘Rage Quit’ and Ryan had no idea why it was there or where it had came. What he did understand though was the mask, a black skull. The mask was an exact replica of that worn by Ryan’s GTA character. The mask that tied him to the murder’s laying there on there motel bed.

*Ciick* Ray unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out. Freezing as he took in the scene. Ryan stood with the bedsheet on the floor holding a business card and looking a black mask. “Holy shit”.

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