#4 - Nightmare

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*** Chapter contains hints of violence ***

“Should we leave?” the puerto rican whispered as he approached Ryan taking in the mask from his heist outfit and instantly understanding that someone knew of the deaths and someone knew Ryan was here. "is there much point, I mean someone is trying to fuck with us running will just prove that is working. Sick bastards." Ryan slumped against the uncomfortable armchair with his head in his hands.

Ray felt uncomfortable,he cleared the mask and card from the bed placing both atop the TV set. Ryan grabbed his arm preventing Ray from backing up. "Why did you believe me?" Ryan's voice was low and dangerous Ray froze not speaking. "Oww err I trust you dude" Ryan could tell he was scaring his friend but he needed to know. "Barbara said it herself I'm the obvious crazy killer. Why would you trust me?" Ryan's voice broke he was being too crack under the stress of it all. "Come over here. Come on" Ray added when Ryan looked hesitant. The older man let Ray pull him to his feet and guide him to the bed. Laying under the blanket both men relaxed.

A few moments of silence was broken with the heaving sounds of someone stifling a sob. Ray shuffled towards the older man reaching an arm around to hug him. No words were needed, Ryan had been through a lot and Ray was determined to be there for him. "This is pretty gay" cut the silence, Ryan had cheered up a bit and was feeling tired but better. "Ray?" a light snore drifted from the Puerto Rican at the mention of his name. Ryan just chuckled shuffling closer to Ray and drifting into a deeply needed sleep.

* * *

Ryan woke up first, the morning sun was shining through the slit in the crummy motel curtains. Stretching and then sighing back onto the bed Ryan looked across at Ray, he was curled into a ball snoring lightly. “he isn't waking up anytime soon” Ryan muttered to himself. Not quite ready to get up yet he just lay back and thought.

Thought about the deaths of his friends, the best colleagues in the world. How he managed to get away and that Ray was the one he turned too. Geoff was a close second, he had to admit but he had Millie - Ryan didn't want to barge into their happy home. Ray was a bit of a loner which suited Ryan perfectly.

“Mur mah muu” Ryan’s head whipped over, his friend was still sleeping but was flinching and rolling around the bed. “Ray, ray calm down” Ryan half whispered soothing the younger smaller man. His words worked like magic Ray scooted towards Ryan in his sleep and lazily wrapped an arm across the shocked Ryan’s torso. ‘He is just dreaming, its okay’ Ryan wasn't used to people touching him he was practically frozen in on the spot but couldn't help but wonder what he was dreaming about.


Ray sprinted down the lonely corridors tears rushing from his face leaving a trail of wet splodges behind him on the cold floor.

Footsteps haunted him he spun a corner and saw himself mangled and covered in blood.

“Holy shit!” backing away Ray slipped on a wet puddle but intent on getting away he was scooting back now.

“FREEZE” A swat team closed in on the cowering boy leaving him no escape. A firing squad to the right and a monster to the front.

Whimpering Ray covered his eyes and waited for the inevitable.

The monster closed in on him first pulling him to his feet and disappearing. Along with the firing squad.

A figure appeared at the end of the corridor Ray started towards it recognizing the build. “Ryan, Ryan” his voice grew hoarse but he sprinted on intent on reaching Ryan. Stopping short Ray realised something was wrong the corridor behind him was vanishing and his hands were covered in blood, mangled and ruined.

Ryan spun, knife in hand and stabbed Ray right in the heart, twisting the blade and gently chuckling to himself.


“It’s okay, Ray look at me please, calm down” Ryan was hugging him as he panted scared out of his mind. “It was just a dream,whatever it was.” Ryan’s strong arms felt comforting but the pain in his heart remained. “I-I er, It was just a nightmare I’m okay” Ray lied feeling tears stream down his face. Ryan wasn't stupid he had heard Ray calling out his name in his sleep. Something must have seriously spooked him.


“What happened?”

“It’s nothing”

“You're lying… Please Ray?” Ryan was beginning to get upset now.

Ray looked into Ryan’s eye’s finally he whispered “You-you stabbed me, right here.” He thumbed his chest right beside his heart. In the same place he was stabbed. “Oh my god” Ryan began to remove his arms from the smaller boy “no, please” Ray thrust himself into Ryans grasp positioning himself almost cradling him. Ryan was slightly shocked but took it in his stride pulling the brown man into his chest.

The sun was fully in the sky but the men cradled for a little longer. Ray calmed down a while ago but he was enjoying the comfort of another man. Tina left him months ago, he was over it of course but he did miss the comfort of someone by his side. “So, er- what are we going to do today?” Ryan muttered into his ear, “Hmm, I duno, what do you wanna do?” Ray shuffled the but Ryan head him still. “I have an idea” he whispered, his hot breath hitting Ray’s neck making him shiver.

'This might actually work out’ Ryan thought to himself.

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