Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was running through the woods. I looked left and right, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. I kept running, then I found my mother and my worst enemy. Maria. She always picked on how I looked, how I acted, even went as far as trying to beat me up. I kicked her butt and she kept messing with me. I did it again, which got me a beating from Angela, but it was so worth it. She stopped bullying me, so I stopped messing with her. So when I woke up and she was in my face, I screamed,"Holy unicorns and mushrooms! What are you doing in here?!" She looked at me like I was in the wrong room. "Why are you in bed with my mate?" She pointed at Kale, who was waking up. I growled,"He's mine!" She rolled her eyes,"Yeah right, your just a one night stand, so get out of here, ho." She shoved me off the bed. Kale growled and said, "Don't talk to my mate and your Luna like that." She rolled her eyes. I got up quietly and yanked her off the bed by her hair. She fell flat on her butt, and made sure I had her attention,"Do you remember me? From high school? Remember what you called me? What was it? Goth emo sicopath? Yeah as you could clearly see I wasn't goth, emo or messed up in the head. Remember that game we played. What was it? Throw Sam down the stairs? Yeah that was it, but were changing the rules. Today, Maria is getting thrown down." I pulled her over to the stairs and whispered,"You know what? I wasn't really planing on pushing you down the stairs. I just wanted to show you the fear. I didn't need that crap from you, I had enough at home, thanks though." She looked shocked that I was abused at home. I was popular and she was jealous. Pretty simple. I said,"Stay away, he's mine." "And I'm hers." I smiled at Kale's words. Maria huffed and walked away. We walked downstairs, to eat breakfast. When we finished, Kale suggested we go shopping. I agreed and threw on the clothes I had on for the date. Kale wore kakhi shorts and a black fitted tee. We drove until we got to a huge mall. We went in and bought lots of stuff. I got some high tops that don't go to my knee, some black vans, and blue vans too. Skinny, holy, boot cut and no holes. We bought me a tiara, and a necklace. He also got me some really fancy dresses. When I would try to pay, even for the smallest thing, Kale wouldn't let me. Finally, he just took my wallet. I frowned and huffed. He just smiled and said,"Let me just spoil you." I frowned,"But I don't want to feel like I should owe you." He pulled me around a corner and pushed me up against the wall and said,"Do you feel this?" He licked the mark and I had to bite my lip, because it felt that good, but nodded anyways. "And do you feel these?" He ran his hand up my arms, giving me those little sparks, and I nodded again. "Then you don't have to owe me anything, besides your love for the rest of eternity." I smiled and hugged him. He gave me my second kiss and we just stood there until some old lady said,"Get a room, this is a family place, lets keep it that way." My cheeks heated up and I could tell Kale's did too. We took all of our shopping bags and took them to his car. I'm not really sure what kind it is, I don't pay attention to cars. He put everything in the trunk and backseat, then helped me into the passenger seat. When we made it back to the house, we started putting my new stuff away. "Alrighty, I'll unpack all of your new Victoria Secret stuff, then help you with the rest." I snatched the bag from him. "Don't worry, you'll get to see them later. Not like that, so don't give me that look, when I'm changing, dork." He pouted and I poked his lip. He randomly licked my finger, and I wiped it on his face. "I love you." I smiled and said,"I love you too." Just then there was a knock on the door.

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