Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

My mouth fell open. "Really?" I whispered. He nodded, obviously nervous about my reaction,"Yeah, if you don't want to, I could cancel it." I shook my head,"I honestly can say I've changed my mind about it, so lets get our wedding planned!" He chuckled at my enthusiasm, but carried me bridal style inside and sat me down. "Time to plan a wedding. We need to get a cake." I thought for a moment and said,"Lets talk to Oh Snap! and see if they have wedding cakes." He called and found out they did, so we ordered one to be delivered soon as possible. Next we got food and drinks ordered and then we got decor. It would all be here in one week and I was bouncing off the walls excited. He laughed at me the whole time. But I could tell he was excited too. Usually the order would come in a couple of weeks later instead of one, but I found out people from our pack work at Oh Snap! And the other places we got stuff from. We decided to do it in the back yard and he chose the honey moon spot. He wouldn't tell me though. "Why not?" I whined he smirked and said,"It's a surprise." I pouted but he just kissed my lip and said,"Be happy, we need to decide on the guest list." I thought for a moment. "Your mom and dad, plus my dad. That's three. Do you have anyone who could be my brides maid?" He smiled and said,"My sister." He called someone and a few hours later, there was a model that had Kale's eyes and brown hair. She smiled and ran to me squealing. "Omg, you are so pretty! I'm Ellie, what's your name?" I smiled sweetly at her and said,"Hi, I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam." She hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. "Hi Sam, you don't mind me being your bridesmaid, do you?" I said,"I feel close to you already, so why wouldn't I want you as a bridesmaid?" She hugged me and said,"Sorry I'm squeezing you to death, I've been waiting for this day for 40 years." I gapped at her,"How old are you?" She frowned at Kale,"You haven't told her?" He shook his head. "We're immortal." I frowned,"I'm going to die and y'all are going to live forever?!" He shook his head,"No you are going to look like this forever, now that your my mate." I breathed a sigh of relief. "I wouldn't want to live my immortal life without you, trust me I wouldn't let you leave me like that." I smiled and said,"Never mind on the age then." I smiled and nodded. Ellie and I discussed the guest list a little longer and ended with a total of 500 guest. "Big pack." She explained. She also helped me with ordering things they would like, which made this all less stressful.

One week later

"Does the dress look right?" Ellie nodded and said,"You look great, now get down that isle to marry my brother." I did as she said, walking when the music started. Everything came delivered early, so were getting married early and I've been a nervous wreck. Everyone was standing and staring, but I wasn't looking at them, I was looking at that gorgeous man at the alter. My father was holding me back from running to him. I had on a sweet heart strapless dress with my lucky converses on and my pink lip piercing. I smiled even wider at the thought. We said our vows and he kissed me until there were clearings of throats. We carried me into the house to get into our reception clothes. "You look beautiful, Mrs. Thomson." I blushed and said,"Thank you Mr.Thomson." He smiled and I changed into a pink knee length strapless dress with a silver dress. We walked back downstairs and we had the reception in the dining room. "I'm glad we had a huge wedding." He smiled and said,"I knew you would." His sister came and talked to me until it was time for us to go to our honey moon spot. We got into the limo as everyone waved goodbye as we drove away. We kissed in the limo and he pulled away, saying,"You need to sleep, it's going to be a while." I nodded and laid against his side, but I didn't sleep. He noticed and said,"Not tired?" I shook my head no. "It's ok, we can just talk." I nodded and said,"What's it like, being able to turn into a giant wolf?" He chuckled and said,"The first time you shift is painful, because it has to break your bones to be able to change form. After that, it's not as bad. If I were to shift now, I'd feel an energy flow through me and I would change into my wolf. It's like freedom, being able to run, to be free." He came out of the trance he had been in and smiled softly at me and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "Can you show me your wolf?" "No!" He yelled. I whimpered and jerked away from him. He pulled me closer to him and he apologized quietly in my ear. "I'm sorry babe it's very dangerous for you to meet my wolf right now. We need to make sure we're mated before we let see him." I couldn't hold back my curiosity now. "Why?" He smiled and said,"Remember how wolves usually mate at first site?" I nodded and said,"Yeah why... Oh" I understood now. "He would lose control." He nodded and said,"I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if he had sex with you in wolf form. I've heard it's not comfortable for the human." I nodded and said,"I'm tired now, I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up in a little while." He smiled and said,"Rest my little mate." I laid my head in his lap and he played with my hair as I fell asleep.

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