Nightmare on Sycamore Street

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                            Nightmare on Sycamore Street

The humming of the dirt bike roared in the distance as Evan was blowing off some steam on his Yahama; cruising around the 3 acres of land spread across the backyard of this rural home in Arizona.  After a long day at doing what he does, jumping hills and speeding around the yard was the best way to clear his mind and center himself. Meanwhile Dana was in the house researching locations for their next job and calling past owners of the land they were going to next. For what you ask? Well, Evan and Dana just so happen to be the top paranormal investigators in all of Arizona. They have investigated everything from haunted objects, to haunted homes across the state. While Dana was on the phone with a client, she received an email about a location that had never been investigated before. What she didn't know was that this was about to be their biggest...most dangerous discovery yet.
                Dana ran outside to Evan as he was zipping around on the dirt bike in the yard, waving her arms in the air to get his attention. "Oh my god, EVAN!!" She said flagging him to come to her. Evan noticed and immediately changed course towards her. The bike stopping hard kicking up dirt in the air. "What's up!" he said smiling knowing how cool his hard stop looked. "You have to come see this." She said still mind blown at the email she had received. The two ran inside to the office space. The office was shelved with all sorts of tokens and items from previous ventures, almost like their own personal mini museum. "Look! Look! Look!" she said excitedly. Evan sat down on the black leather office chair spinning around to the screen.
                "ATTENTION DANA AND EVAN." He read the bold letters loudly. "What is this..?" he asked looking at Dana nervous to go on. "Keep going..." she said. He read on out loud. "My name is Felix. I am currently working in a building down the road from an old warehouse on Sycamore Street. My house is not far from my work. After I get off the job, I get home, and take my dog Frankie for walk, he's a big ol' rottweiler that is not scared of anything." Evan stopped reading and looked at Dana, "So what did this dude send us a diary entry about him walking his dog at night?" Dana rolled her eyes and playfully shoved him. "KEEP. READING." She scoffed. Evan chuckled and read on. "I decided to ignore how he has acted in the past every time we walk past this old warehouse. Was it fear of the unknown on my part? Of course. This place gives off a really bad vibe and I tend to walk quickly past it every time we go for our strolls. You would think that I would stop taking this path for the simple fact that it makes me feel uneasy. Frankie will usually start whimpering while we walk past and that is about it. But the other night as we walked past it like normal, he didn't whimper. He stopped and stared at the 3rd floor of the warehouse. I tried to pull him along to continue our walk tugging on his leash, but he would not move. He started softly growling while he was frozen in a stare. I worked up the courage to look up and I wish I hadn't. I can't begin to explain to tell you what I saw with my own eyes. I thought I was crazy. But the nightmares won't stop. The cold sweats won't stop. The thoughts in my head won't cease. I recently read an article about you two and I just don't know who else to turn to. I need you both to go investigate this place. For the sake of my own sanity. But please. If you do decide to go... just be cautious. I feel as if this place is unlike anything you have experienced. Thank you. Sincerely, Felix." Evan paused for a moment in thought. "So you are telling me you want to go to this place because some loon saw something, or thinks he saw something while walking his dog. It could have been anything especially if its an old warehouse that no one has probably been in for years." Dana looked uneasy. "I had a dream about an old abandon warehouse last night..." she said nervously. "Wait, what?" he said surprised. Dana nodded her head. "Alright. Well. I guess we have to go check it out then don't we." He stated. "I wasn't going to give you any other choice." She said grabbing her equipment off the table, stuffing it into her bag. She threw the bag onto the desk. "I'll meet you back here tomorrow. 8pm. On the dot." She said throwing her bag over her shoulder.    
                On the way home that night after leaving Evans, she wanted to take a drive down by the location before arriving the next night to get a feel for the area. She pulled up to Sycamore Street and immediately felt something was off. "What the hell..." she murmured to herself. Her palms started sweating on the wheel as she approached the abandoned warehouse building. An enormous three-story warehouse that looked rusted out, windows busted, and an earie fog hovering around the 3rd floor of the building. She sat in her car staring in almost a trance like state at the site of this rustic place. Before she knew she was standing at the front doors. "WHAT THE FUCK." She snapped out of it realizing she didn't remember even getting out of her car. She quickly turned around frantically looking for it realizing she had left it running. "How... what.." she said out loud in confusion. Looking back towards the front doors she stood in shock and confusion but unable to move until a blood curdling scream from inside jolted her to run back to her car. She instantly got in and floored it calling Evan. "Come on pick up, PICK UP." She said smacking her steering wheel. "DANA SOMETHING IS HAPPENING IN THE HOUSE RIGHT NOW." "EVAN I.. THE BULDING.. SCREAMING." They both yelled frantically over each other and suddenly their call was disconnected. Dana quickly did a U-Turn and headed back towards Evans house.
                Pulling up to Evans she drove so fast up to his drive way she drove up on the grass unconcerned about anything other than getting to him inside. Running inside she found Evan sitting in the kitchen in the corner on the floor. The kitchen was a mess. Cabinets were all flung open and it looked like a tornado went through the entire kitchen. Sauces were all over the walls. Food all over the floor. Dana stood in shock unable to move while Evan sat in the corner on the kitchen on the floor frozen. "Dana...who is Felix..." Dana unable to speak just stared at him. Dana ran into the office room to check the emails again to see if there was a traceable address for more information on who this man was. "EVAN!!!" Dana yelled from the office. Evan came running in to Dana shaking staring at him. "It's gone. Please tell me you deleted the email and that I am not crazy." Evan looked at her in shock. "Shut the fuck up." He said sternly. Dana pointed to the screen. "Where. Is. The. Email." She said. Evan pushed her out of the way typing and clicking in all kinds of ways to try anything to find where or how the email was deleted but it was no use. The email was gone. As if it never existed. Evan started smashing the keyboard. "NO NO NO HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!" he yelled. Dana started crying overwhelmed with emotion unsure of what to do. Evan grabbed her holding her tight as they both were in complete shock, confusion, and fear. Suddenly the two calmed completely as if a wave of serenity washed over them. And in that moment, an email notification bell sounded on the computer. Both their hearts sunk in their chests as they locked eyes. "Did you... ", Dana said. Evan stopped her, "I did..." They both rushed to the screen to see an email opened up on the screen.

-          Believe me now? Help me....  –

The email was short and made its message clear. Unless they went to investigate this location. The chaos would not end. So, they did what they knew they had to do. The nightmare on Sycamore Street began the moment they opened that first email.
                The next night pulling up to the abandoned warehouse the two sat in the car preparing to go in. Knowing they have seen things no person should go their entire life witnessing or even knowing exist, even they were not prepared for what they were about to see. "Everything in the duffle?" Evan said doing the check list on the equipment they had prepared. Every investigation they did they would bring along with them EVP equipment, a night vision camera, a paranormal music box and a polaroid camera. "Check, check, check and check." Dana said confidently. Evan through the duffle bag over his shoulder and hopped out. "Catch!" Dana said tossing over one of the heavy duty flash lights. "Can you grab a few extra batteries from the trunk?" he said to her catching the light. Dana nodded running to the back to get them. She popped open the trunk to find something odd. "Evan, did you lose a shoe?" she said giggling in confusion. "huh?" he said, walking over to her. "That's not mine?" he said looking at the shoe unsure at all how one single shoe was sitting in his trunk. A single beat up old black and white Adidas shoe was sitting there, the tongue torn, the sides stained with mud, and the laces slightly shredded. "Wait there's something on the bottom." Dana said holding it up examining it, "F.F., hm maybe its initials?" she said confused. "Yeah but why is it... never mind, I don't want to even think about this right now. We have to get in there. Lock the car. Let's go." Evan said thinking maybe he had left his car unlocked but at the same time didn't have the time to start questioning it.
                They two approached the doors of the building, standing there for a moment before entering composing themselves. Dana closed her eyes to try focus remembering the scream she had heard come from the building the night before. Full body chills over came her as she took a deep breath. "Let's fucking do this." She said pulling open the doors. The giant old rusted doors made a loud creaking sound as they opened, dust particles falling all around them as they stepped inside. They clicked on their flashlights coughing from the debris as the doors slammed shut behind them. "Holy shit." Evan said slowly as he shined his flashlight around taking in the surroundings. You would think you would hear the sounds of dripping and old parts of the building falling of the walls in the distance but it was silent. So silent the echo from the doors slamming behind them was still echoing. They waited for the echo to calm as they stood still as their eyes adjusted to the darkness with only their flashlights illuminating their way. "Where the hell do we even start in this place. It's huge." Dana said quietly. "I have no idea what we are even looking for, but I have a feeling we are going to find it." Evan whispered. He started walking deeper into the building softly stepping on the concrete. Dana followed close by. Since they have been on so many investigations together, they knew when an area had energy and when it didn't, they had a sense for it. "I'm not feeling anything on this floor are you?" Evan said shining the flashlight towards Dana. Before she could say a word, a loud crash of thunder came from outside. The two shook in surprise. "It was NOT supposed to rain tonight was it?" she exclaimed. "Not that I know of! I checked the weather and it said clear skies!" They two puzzled waited for the sound of rain but none followed. "What a mood setter." Dana said playfully. Evan laughed, "Shut up, follow me.". Evan started heading to the stair case that went to the 2nd floor.
                The 1st floor was large, spaced out, nothing much to it. Nothing but a few old desks, and a large old dirty stained white sofa was placed in the center of the area. Magazines scattered the floor from years before and a few newspapers crumbled around. A set of stairs led up to the 2nd floor, the doors to the stair way were unbolted and had been rusted out leaning against the walls. "Stay close." Evan said leading the way. Up the flight of stairs was a door that was welded shut with no window to see what was or could have been behind it. Dana unzipped the duffle bag to pull out the EVP device. Whenever she had a feeling of a presence, she would whip it out and start a session. She took it out and hit record. "EVP session one, 2nd floor door in the stair well. Is there anyone here with us?... How can we help you?... We have been called here for a reason, could you tell us who you are..." She clicked stop and quickly replayed the recorder to hear if any voices had been captured in response to her questions. Holding the recorder up to her ear she listened closely. "EVP session one, 2nd floor door in the stair well. Is there anyone here with us?...[knock...knock]...How can we help you?...[]...We have been called here for a reason, could you tell us who you are...[BITCH]". Dana almost dropping the recorder couldn't believe what she was hearing. The voice after each response was earie and almost non-human in tone sending chills down her spine. "Evan tell me you...EVAN?" Dana said looking around frantically shining her flashlight around to find him. Evan was no where in sight.
                "Dana!? DANA!" Evan said shining his flashlight around unsure where he was let alone how he even got there. "This is impossible." He thought to himself. Trying not to panic he took a few deep breathes trying to compose himself. "Okay. It's okay. Dana is fine. She is okay. I am okay. We have gotten split up before.. but not like this... no no no, it's okay. I'll call her phone. That's what I'll do." Evan said to himself pulling his cell phone out of his pocket. "No...." he said looking at his black phone screen. "This was at full charge... how is this..." he said still trying to compose himself. He took a few steps shining his flashlight around and suddenly spotted a sign on the wall that said -2nd floor-. He noticed a door a few feet in front of him and as he got closer realized it was the same door from the stair well. "DANA!" He said knocking twice on the door with a clenched fist. "EVAN!?" He heard from the other side. Relieved he took a deep breath, "Oh my god, Dana I have no idea how I got over here!" he stated. Dana could hardly hear him on the other side of the steel door. "STAY THERE! Don't go anywhere there has to be a way to get in there! I am going to figure out a way!" she shouted. Evan sat down against the door trying to still wrap his mind around how he got there in the first place.
                Dana ran up the stairs to find the door to the 3rdfloor. Still shakin up from the EVP she heard in response to her question she shakily aimed her light towards the door. She knew she had to get to Evan. As she reached for the door and unseen force shoved her against the wall. Her body fumbling to the ground causing her flashlight to bust on the concrete. She stayed down for a moment in shock until quickly grabbing for the night vision camera out of her bag. Powering it on she aimed it towards the door slowly aiming it at the stairs leading back down to her only way out. What stood in her way froze her entire body. In front of her stood a 7-foot tall being, standing menacingly in the stair well blocking the exit. Its long hands and fingers the size of rulers dangled down below its knees as its body hunched at the shoulders. It was faceless aside from two dark places where eyes would be and a large jaw line. Dana was unable to move and started shaking as it stood glaring at her through the night vision cameras small LCD screen. In the distance a loud banging sound slowly began growing in volume with each knock. The entity began to twitch at the neck while its mouth began to open wider and wider as the sound became louder. Dana quickly reached in the bag for the polaroid camera and snapped a picture in the direction of the being. As the flash went off, the being let out a loud shriek that lasted over 10 seconds. Dana quickly covered her ears with her hands as she remained on the ground not knowing what would happen next. The shrieking came to a halt and all went quiet. Nervously shaking she picked up the night vision camera too scared to point it towards where it was standing. She was frozen.
                Evan had gotten up and composed himself and had been wandering around the 2nd floor, and had been banging on the walls throughout the floor to try and help Dana find him. He started to explore to try and find his own way out. "There has to be a damn door that leads out of here. There has to be." He thought to himself. "I wonder if..." he said tripping over something on the ground. "What the..." he said as he picked him self up shining his flashlight on whatever it was he tripped on. "But... how.." he stated staring at the single adidas shoe that was in his trunk. Grabbing it he held it in the air and shouted in frustration, "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN. WHAT IS THIS. IS THIS YOURS?". All was quiet for a moment until, an earie voice whispered over his shoulder in the darkness, "This way.". Gripping the shoe ready to toss it, he frantically waved his flashlight to see who or what had just whispered to him. But he turned around to find a hall way with an open door. "I have got to be dreaming right now." He took a deep breath and jogged cautiously up to the door way.
                Curled up on the ground Dana was too afraid to move when suddenly a hand gripped her shoulder tightly causing her to scream. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" She exclaimed. "DANA IT'S ME!!" Evan yelled. Dana in shock and disbelief clung to Evan tightly. "How did you find me?!" she cried. "You were supposed to be the one finding me, but looks like that wasn't going to happen now was it?" he said playfully, happy to be reunited with her again. "Let's get the hell out of here. This place is NOT right." He said determined. "Check... the polaroid..." she said so nervously she could hardly speak. Evan shined his flashlight onto the ground where the polaroid had fallen and picked it up snagging the photo out from the camera. His hand immediately covering his mouth in shock realizing this was the most compelling paranormal photo evidence he had ever seen. Dana had captured the figure she saw standing before her on the stairs. "I don't think... it likes... sounds or light..." She said still sniffling from crying. "...before I took this, a loud banging sound was coming from the walls and it started freaking out and when the flash went off it wouldn't stop... screaming.". Evan suddenly had an idea.
                Evan helped Dana up and they took a few minutes to devise a game plan on how to get out of this hell. He reached into the duffle bag grabbing the paranormal music box. "Okay here me out here." Evan said beginning to explain, "If it doesn't like loud sounds, and from what you are saying it stuns whatever it is, right?" he said as Dana nodded following along. "Well if we leave it up here maybe if it sets it off, it will be stuck from the sounds it will make. Oh and... look what I found." Shining the flash light on the ground he throws the shoe to the floor. Danas jaw dropped in shock. "But..." she said staring at it. "Yeah... it's the same shoe. Want to know what I think. Our so called Felix and his dog Frankie are a single name. Felix Frankie. Give me your phone." He said with his arm outreached. Dana reached to pull her phone out of her pocket and thankfully had some battery left in it. Evan googled Felix Frankie in hoped to find anything related to any of this.

Who was Felix Frankie?
Search results: Felix Frankie was the owner of the Sycamore Warehouse, dying in the building after secretly working on a high intensity ultrasonic sound system meant to be a secret weapon for the military. He was offered millions. One day while experimenting on the 3rd floor of the warehouse with his machinery he created a loud enough sound that caused an air embolism in his lungs which traveled to his heart and killed him. His lungs had burst from the increased air pressure.
                Felix had contacted Dana and Evan knowing they would find a way to help. His spirit has been lost in the warehouse ever since the incident and needed a way to feel at peace. "Wait maybe the music box will sooth his spirit! It's a win, win! We have the greatest paranormal evidence to date photo wise, and at the same time we can give him a calming sound to hear instead of any loud sounds reminding him of the past and he will be forever soothed." Dana said excitedly. Evan laughed, "You're cute; but that might just work. I like the way you think." Dana smiled feeling proud of herself for her light spirited idea. Evan sat the music box down on the top of the stairs leading up to the 3rd floor placing the shoe next to it. As they walked away, they heard the music box start playing. "Keep walking." He stated as they kept going towards the entrance of the building to get out of there. As they approached the door, they both heard the voice in their ears. An elderly man's voice was heard, "thank you.", it said softly. They both smiled at each other knowing what they had just accomplished. No matter how frightening or messed up their situation may get wherever they go, they are the duo to always positively solve the case, and that is why they are the best in the business.
                A few weeks later Evan was sitting in the office while Dana was examining video evidence from a recent grave yard trip when an email notification popped up on the computer. The two turned to each other feeling as if they knew exactly who it was. Dana got up and ran to the screen. "Open it." She said excitedly. Evan clicked the email.
                Evan and Dana, thank you for taking a STEP in the right direction and thank you for helping my SOLE, feel at peace once again.
                                                                [PHOTO ATTACHMENT]
Evan clicked the photo attachment and it was a picture of the single adidas shoe. But this time, it looked brand new. Laces fresh, tongue in tact and no dirt to be found. "What a clever mother fucker." Evan said as they both chuckled and fist bumped. "Another job well done partner." Dana said. They smiled while another email came through. "Hm?" Evan said clicking the link.


The two looked at each other and took a deep breath. "Here we go again!".

                The two are now known around the world as the two top paranormal investigators of their time. Not only for their bravery, but for their cleverness and wit in solving what seem to be, well, the impossible. Because for them, the only possible is the impossible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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