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With the ONC over and my profile moving on to other things, I want to stop and take a moment to thank all the people who have helped Dreamcatcher get as far as it has, and set it up to keep growing from here. 

Thank you OpenNovellaContest for your hard work and dedication, both in judging over a thousand entries for this year's ONC, and in the difficult task of narrowing down the winners from a 73-member Shortlist. I had an amazing experience, and you've secured my participation in this contest for future years. 

Thank you CeeMTaylor for all your comments as a beta reader. At risk of getting cheesy here (shhh, you can deal with it), you helped give me what I needed to strengthen the book and nudge it closer to its full potential. To everyone else, Cee here has a kick-ass novel called Dark Arm of the Maker that started out alongside Dreamcatcher as an entry in the ONC. You can find it on my reading lists, or on her profile. Go read it. 

Thank you SVTSwrites for so kindly fielding all my questions about India and all its breathtaking diversity, as I moved to align this novella more with the country that inspired its setting. You pointed me in some very helpful directions, and I thank you for that. 

And thank you to everyone who has read, voted, commented, and/or boosted this work, be that here, on the forums, on your own profile, or really anywhere else. I won't start listing names (or we'll be here all day), but your support is seen and deeply appreciated. 

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Dreamcatcher | ONC 2020 Honourable Mention | ✔Where stories live. Discover now