Chapter 1

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I sat in the normal CEO office of my business; Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc. Of course, I didn't care for any of it. It had all become quite bland, and incomplete. Why do I feel like this? I have all the money a man could ever want, I'm one of the most alluring men to a woman's eyes, and I have my life in order. 

    Yet, Something feels... off. Almost empty, Like an ocean without water. Or a shop without customers. But I have no idea why. "Mr. Grey? You have someone who'd like to speak with you. its the woman from ICP, Inc. The one coming for a business opportunity?"

I nodded my head rather slow. Wonderful. Another plain business to bore me further. I looked at my watch as I sat in my chair waiting for the woman. Suddenly, there was a soft knock. "Come in."

I looked at the woman before me; Blue eyes, black hair, fair skin, a truly exquisite body that can only be described as "having all the right curves, in all the right places." I stood up straitening my jacket and held my hand out to her.

"My warmest welcome, Mrs. Sterling." I shook her hand and felt fireworks on my skin. "Please, sit down." She smiled at me softly, her looks becoming all the more gorgeous. "So, I was informed of you having a proposition for an opportunity? I'd like to discuss, in fine detail I might add, what that would entail."

She looked me in the eyes as she opened her mouth slowly, "Mr. Grey was it?" I nod " I was interested in your business for quite some time. You know it's not every day a man just appears and builds a very successful business in just a few years." a small smile tugged at my lips.

"It's not the business but he who runs it, Mrs. Sterling." she looked quite satisfied with my answer. "Hmm, well while that is true. It does, however, seem a tad strange to me. But putting that aside, I'd like to merge our businesses together. Your business is a world leader in communication technologies, sustainable energy, and intelligent systems development. And the ICP, inc; the company which I work at is a world of travel and mobile development/technology."

I nodded my head once more, as well as putting my hand on my chin. "I know of your company. It's the large building on East AVE if I'm not mistaken?" She nodded her head smiling. "I'm flattered. We're not the most known company around." She gave a light carefree laugh, and I followed along.

"Well, Mrs. Sterling, I'd be a fool as to renounce this opportune moment, And if I may. I'd like to continue further, this discussion. How about I pick you up at say, 8:00 sharp tonight?" She looked at me a small smile tugging at her lips. "Hmm, I would like that too. I'll see you then, good day, Mr. Gray." I smiled as I walked with her to the door. "Until tonight, Mrs. Sterling."

I watched as she left my office and then the building altogether. And something inside me was... alive. It felt as if the dull, drab lifestyle I live, has been altered all in a simple conversation. It's quite startling,  but yet, it's exquisite.

I decided to email her the plans for tonight. 


From: Jonathan Grey

Subject: Dinner, and business discussion.

Date: June 27 2011 16:39

To: Anna Sterling

Dear Mrs. Sterling,

I am contacting you to inform you of the plans for tonight. I will be picking you up at 8:00 sharp from your home. We will be driving to De la Grasse, it is a small restaurant inside the city. Please, be sure to wear something formal.



From: Anna Sterling

Subject: Thank you for informing me.

Date: June 27 2011 16:47

To: Jonathan Grey

Dear Mr. Grey,

Thank you for informing me of the plans. I live on Oaks drive, Apt 33. I will see you soon.


After reading her email I called for my chauffeur; Gregory.

"Sir. Where do you wish to go this evening?" I looked at my watch. "I'd like you to drive me to my house on Birch road. And do be sure to hurry." he nodded slowly and opened the door as I got in.

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