Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
The Knight Family--Macyn
"Are we almost there?" I asked taking my earphones out. Parker stretched his legs over my lap. I smacked them away as he giggled.
"It's a bit cramped back here," Sam said. He leaned up by my parents. I had ten brothers and sisters. I was the eleventh. The oldest. I was eighteen, getting ready for college. And instead of hanging with my friends all summer, I got dragged into going to the stupid island.
We used to spend summers here when I was little and I loved it. The Jackson's were some of my best friends. They had triplet boys that were my age. We did everything together. But things had changed since I was younger...I didn't want to come back to the island.
"We're here!" Dad exclaimed from the front seat. I looked out the window to see our old house. It still looked the same....White picket fence, three stories, pale yellow with baby blue shutters.
"It needs a paint job," Mom grumbled slamming the door. She didn't want to be here either. But dad dragged her along too...
"We will need to do renovations," dad whispered. I got out of the car and stretched my legs. I walked up the stairs, beating the rest of the family inside. There were dozens of old pictures hanging on the walls. The smell was still the same. I quickly ran up to the top floor. It had three glass walls, and a single bed. This was my bed.
Before all my other siblings came along, my dad and I used to sit up here. We loved watching the stars. I looked over to the two beanbags we used to sit it. I felt like they hadn't moved since the last time I had seen them.
"Macyn!" my little sister Harper yelled from downstairs, "There's someone outside for you!" I set my stuff down and looked out the glass wall. There were two boys standing outside talking to my dad. They were very handsome.
One had shaggy brown hair while the other had a buzz cut. They were both very muscular.
"What do they want with me?" I whispered under my breath. I ran over to the mirror and fixed my auburn hair. I quickly grabbed my perfume, sprayed everywhere, and ran downstairs.
I walked down the stairs and approached the boys.
"Hey, Macyn!" The one with the shaggy hair said.
"Honey, it's the Jackson boys," he said, "Adam, and..."
"Payton..." I finished his sentence. The two boys laughed.
"Long time no see," the buzz cute one said. I forgot which was which. Their hair was the only difference, but I didn't know who was who.
"I better go help the kids," dad said running into the house. I crossed my arms and smiled at the two boys.
"There's a bonfire tonight and we were wondering if you wanted to go!" shaggy hair said.
"I'd love to!" I exclaimed pushing a piece of hair out of my eyes.
"A bonfire!?" I looked behind me a saw my thirteen year old brother Braxton.
"Eighteen year olds only, bud," buzz cut laughed.
"Go back inside," I ordered. I turned and gave him wide eyes. He put his hands up and ran back inside.
"So tonight?" shaggy hair said, "We will pick you up at seven!"
"Bye, Macyn," buzz cut whispered. I watched the two walk back to their car and drive away. I waved slowly. Once they were out of sight I sprinted back in the house.
"What's going on!?" Dad yelled as I hustled up the stairs.
"I need an outfit!!" I screamed slamming the door. I walked over to one of the glass walls. I looked over the lake. I saw the peak of the McCoy's house in the distance. The Jackson ranch wasn't insight at all. Did the trees get taller? I could've sworn I used to be able see the brick ranch building.
I looked over to five smaller houses near the ocean. We rented those out every summer so it wouldn't just be the three families. I then looked over to the center of the lake. There was a boat. A blue one. The McCoy's were here.
It was too far to see who was driving, but I could see four people packed into the pontoon boat. The McCoy's and I never really got along. My father hated Mr. McCoy and I was never sure why they got an island together. But Mr. Jackson insisted. The three were held together by Mr. Jackson. Without him, my father would've killed Mr. McCoy.
"Macyn!" Mom banged on my door, "Are you hungry?"
"I need to find something to wear mom!" I huffed still looking at the blue pontoon glide across the water.
"Wear that pink dress," she said. Her was faded now, she must've been a the bottom of the stairs.
I reached into my bag and pulled out all my dresses. I had at least ten. When I was younger I didn't have any. I was more of tom boy. I used to play in the dirt, and ride skateboards. That's why I got along with the Jackson triplets. But I was different now...I grew up.
I leaned against the solid wall and looked at all my dress choices. This wouldn't be so hard if they weren't so cute...

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