Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
The McCoy's-Abby
When Adam Jackson called the house phone I was a little surprised.
"Hello?" I asked.
"It's Adam Jackson," he said on the other line, "We were wondering if Tyler wanted to go to the bonfire tonight?" What about me?
"Uh, let me get him," I hesitated. I ran upstairs. Tyler was playing his guitar. I handed him the phone.
"Who is it?" He asked holding his hand over the receiver.
"Adam Jackson..." I said slowly. He looked at me like I was crazy. The Jackson boys used to hate Tyler when they were younger. Tyler never liked the outdoors, he was more of an inside, play music all day kind of guy.
"Hello?" Tyler asked. I sat on the edge of the bed watching my brother's face as Adam talked in the other end.
"Sure, I'll be there," he whispered. My eyes grew wide. He was actually going? He hung up the phone and handed it to me.
"So you're going?" I asked a bit shocked.
"Might as well, sis," he said playing his guitar again.
"I wanna go," I whined. Even though the Jackson boys were always rude to my brother, they were always so cute...
"Gotta be eighteen..." he hesitated looking down at his strings.
"I turn eighteen in like three weeks?!" I whined again.
"Sorry," he said totally focused on his music. I rolled my eyes and stomped down the stairs. That was totally unfair. I wanted to go to that bonfire.
I looked out the windows overlooking the lake. My father and some of my brothers were going boating. I quickly grabbed my lifejacket from the wall and ran out there.
"You coming?" my father asked. I nodded and jumped into the pontoon.
"We're going to see if the Knights are here," my brother Steven laughed. My father hated to Knights...I always tried to be friends with them, but Macyn was only absorbed in the Jackson brothers. She didn't even try to be my friend. But she was also the complete opposite of me. I liked Barbies and makeup...and she played in the mud like a pig...
I looked over through the trees and saw the Jackson house. It looked the same, brick walls, red shutters, the fountain in the front of the house. I had never been inside the house but I remember the outside really well...
"Hey look," my father said pointing to the small houses on the other end of the lake, "Looks like we got some other families renting this summer..."
"I wonder if any of them are hot," my sixteen year old brother Derek laughed. I pushed him over. He just laughed and took a drink of his coke. I rolled my eyes and looked up to see the Knight's house. The pale yellow was fading now and it looked more like white. The baby blue shutters still looked the same though. I looked up to the glass room that belonged to Macyn. I always wish I had that can see practically the whole island from up there.
I looked at the three of our homes as we ventured further away. The Knight's home, the tall yellow beauty...The Jackson's home, the southern sophisticated ranch...and The McCoy's house, the old plantation looking home...Each different...Each family different...
"Are you getting a job this summer?" my father asked both Derek and I.
"Lifeguarding," we both said at the same time. I rolled my eyes. Wonderful...working with my punky brother everyday was not my idea of a perfect summer.
"There's an opening at the boat house," he said stalling the boat, "Talk to Mr. Jackson about it." I nodded slowly and looked back at the ranch. I smiled to myself.
"You'll see him tomorrow at the fishing rally," he said. The one thing I couldn't do was fish...I had no patience for it. But my father made us fish with him almost once a week in the summer. And tomorrow was a day I had to fish...for almost twelve hours. Hundreds of boats would come from surrounding islands to come fish at our lake. The boat with the most fish wins...Sounds fun right? Wrong...

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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