I forgot this existed (Also Hi)

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Yeah, i completely forgot about what was literally supposed to be a big sequel to TFP.

I'll be honest with you, i'm really not sure if i'm gonna continue making stuff about Anime because i'm not bullshitting you when i say i haven't watched MHA in a year. So i don't have any plot points to work around, idk if they've killed anyone off, i don't even know the current plot. 

I understand that this might be a small disappointment to anyone who remembered if this existed. But, i guess this should also be the time to announce my plans to make my own original story.

It obviously won't be as successful as TFP because if i'm being honest i doubt what i have in mind will attract the same fan base because i'm not sure if you like my writing, or if you're just there to read some smut but i can get that aswell, you do you dear reader.

But i guess i'd also like to say thank you to anyone who's read the previous book or maybe even reading this one. I think the fanbase that comment on the chapters are honestly some of the nicest people ever. And i know it's cringe, but seriously, it does make me really smile when i read the latest comments thinking that i might actually for the first time get a hate comment. Then it turns out to be someone who praises my writing and that really just makes my day. So yeah, you people are just great, and i think you should know that. I hope that you're all alive right now, Lockdown in the UK is easing up but if you're perhaps from America, i just hope you're doing good in your fucked country. 

JK, America isn't fucked, it's just "Special" Right now. But still, i hope your lives are pretty good, and if they're not well i'm sorry about that and even though it's cringey and it probably doesn't mean a lot because you've never met me, but i appreciate you for reading my dumb fanfics and hope whatever is going on ends and you start to get happier in the near future :)

Again, thank you, and good-day.

-SoosDawg (Zac) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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