the park

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I don't really know how this is going to go but I hope you all enjoy :))
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On my way home from school today I decided to go to the corner store to pick up some snacks. Inside, I run into my old friend Stacy.

S: oh hey y/n. didn't see you there !
y/n: hey Stacy ! how've you been?
S: I've been good, honestly. how are you?

After a few minutes of catching up with her we parted ways. turns out she's going to a concert tonight. Anyways, I grab my chips and Arizona and head to the register.

After a few minutes, I eventually get home. I live with my sister, her boyfriend and her dog in their apartment. My parents died in a car crash when I was 6. We used to live with our grandparents until Joanna was independent enough to live on her own. The only thing I have of them are some pictures from when I was a baby and a bracelet that used to belong to my mother. I keep the pictures in my wallet and wear the bracelet everyday.

As soon as I open the front door I'm instantly greeted by Kisses. I set down my bag and get down to give her a hug. I call out for my sister when her boyfriend Tristan responds

T: she's not here right now, she went out for some things for dinner
y/n: oh okay. do you know when she'll get back?
T: she just left so not for a while.
y/n: alright
T: which reminds me, she said to ask you if you can take the dog out for a walk.
y/n: yeah thats fine let me just put my stuff away.

So I put my stuff away and get Kisses ready for the walk. Luckily the park is just 2 blocks away so I put on a jacket, put my wallet in my pocket along with my phone and keys, and head out with Kisses.

I had my headphones in and could only hear the cars passing next to me. Tonight was pretty relaxing, with the sky painted different colors and a slight breeze in the air. The vibes in the studio were immaculate.

Up ahead I could see this guy running. I have no idea where he was going but he seemed in a hurry. I kept walking but had to come back because Kisses wouldn't get away from barking at a squirrel that she saw in the tree. After finally getting her to get away and keep walking, I turn and in the blink of an eye end up on the ground.

I look up and its the guy that I saw running, just awesome. I got up and was obviously annoyed.

y/n: Dude whats your problem?
r/g(random guy): I'm sorry. I didn't mean to! It was an accident I swear.
y/n: okay whatever. just watch where you're going next time.
r/g: my bad, and for sure!

With that I turn and walk away. He seemed cute not going to lie. But who the hell wears fedoras these days?? unless he's trying to be like Ryan Evans from HSM he's got some serious fashion issues.

I finish walking around the park and start heading home. I end up getting home at the same time as Joanna so we go in together. She asks me about my day and school, you know, the usual. I let her know it was good and tell her that I'd be in my room. I get to my room and empty out my pockets. My wallet is gone.

I check my pockets and my bag and the bag where the snacks came. I can't find it. I look around my room and I can't find it. I head out to the living room where Joanna and Tristan were, I asked if they'd seen it and they said no.

I head outside and check all around the front porch and the sidewalk. I can't find it. I run back to the park where me and the guy in the fedora bumped into each other and run around the park as fast as I can to see if I could find it. No luck

Great. This is exactly what I needed. A bruise and a missing wallet with my money, and the only pictures I have of me and my parents in it.
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Thank u guys for reading part one of this story <3. We'll see how this turns out 🤷‍♀️. tune in later for part 2 😎.

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