the meetup

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hey guys so here is part 3 to the series :) hope you all enjoy 😌.

It was almost 11 pm and I was getting a call. I was so confused because I wasn't expecting one. Who in their right minds calls this late at night. I declined the call and started to get into bed when my phone rang again. It was the same number. I still declined it tho. They called back 2 more times and I answered on the 4th call.

y/n: Who is this?

s(stranger): is this y/f/n y/l/n?

y/n: who are you and why do you know my name??

s: I don't think you know me by name but I'm Adam Jones, I'm the guy that bumped into you earlier.

so it was him. I knew I could trust my detective skills. At least I know some rando off the street didnt take it.

y/n: How did you get my number? and how do you know my name.

A: You see after we bumped into each other I went back because my keys fell out of my pocket, so I went back to pick them up and I found your wallet there.

y/n: if you saw my wallet why didn't you give it back?

A: I tried to, but you weren't there, I couldn't see you. So I checked it and I found your ID.

y/n: that still doesn't explain how you got my number.

A: I went through your wallet. Sorry by the way. But I found a note that had someone's instagram handle on it. So I checked it out and I checked their followers and it looked like they followed your account. So I explained what happened and I asked them for your number.

I completely forgot about that note. I put it in my wallet after trying to be my friends wingman. The girl didn't want his insta handle, so i put it away. I cannot believe he stalked me. I wonder if he stalked me the way I stalked him. But I need to double check with Lorenzo just to be sure he's not lying.

y/n: okay I guess? can I get my wallet back now?

A: yeah for sure but can I make it up to you first?

y/n: sure. But how?

A: Are you free right now?

y/n: yeah but its already past 11:30 and I have stuff to do on Saturdays.

A: look its no funny business, I can pick you up if you want. I just want to make it up to you.

y/n: Okay fine.

A: Great ! I'll pick you up in 10 minutes.

y/n: alright. Where are we going btw?

A: it's a secret. but just dress comfortably. you can wear your pj's if you prefer.

y/n: okay I'll keep that in mind. see you in 10. bye

A: okay! bye.

what in the world did I just get myself into. I texted Lorenzo almost immediately after we hung up. He was awake, thankfully, and he said it was true. He even ss the dm's for proof. So I guess this guy wasn't lying.

I got ready and was planning on sneaking out but I could hear the TV in the living room. So I decided to tell my sister instead, just in case if anything were to happen. She was a little against the idea at first but after some convincing she let me go.

I went out onto our doorstep and waited for the guy. After a few minutes, a car pulled up. It was him. The guy in the band and the guy in the fedora. It was Adam.

I went up to the car and we greeted each other awkwardly. The ride was very silent at first but then he put on some music. Surprisingly he started playing a 1D song. It was Live While We're Young. We had the windows rolled down, the music blaring, and the small breeze passing us as we move.

A few minutes into the ride and I realized I still didn't know where we were going.

y/n: hey,  where are we going anyways?
A: its a secret
y/n: how do I know you're not kidnapping me?
A: you don't
y/n: I- what?

he started giggling and staring at me as if to say "seriously?"

A: I'm kidding damnn. I wouldn't hurt you, so don't worry. you should've seen the look on your face tho.

He kept laughing and turned the music back up. I guess I wasn't finding out anytime soon.
that's it for part 3 🙃. part 4 will be out later today hopefully make sure to stay tuned :)

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