the concert

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okay here's part two. hope you guys enjoy 🙃
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after looking around the house and around the park for over 20 minutes I give up and accept my fate. I head back inside and head to my room. I end up deciding that I was going to try and draw the pictures to recreate them. A little bit into the process when Joanna comes in and leaves me some cookies on my table. I tell her thank you and she walks out. She always does this when I'm feeling down.

After about two hours of trying to draw the pictures. I give up and head to my bed. I scroll on instagram, twitter, and YT trying to find something to take my mind off of what happened. I end up on snapchat looking through the discover stories.

I end up clicking on one of my friends story. It was her and her dog playing on a trampoline. I swipe over a few meme acc's. I didn't feel like looking through memes. I swipe over a few more stories and now I'm on Stacy's story, she's at the concert.

Not gonna lie it looks fun, but does she really have to post everything thats going on? It's like a montage skipping through her story. she keeps getting closer to the stage each snap lol. once she's towards the front I try to make out who's performing. It's a guy in a fedora and what looks like 5 other people. What is it with guys and fedoras today?

WAIT. IS THAT-? no way. I think it's the guy that bumped into me earlier. It can't be?? HOLD ON. What if he has my wallet? the last story posted on Stacy's acc was 15 minutes ago. I wait it out and check in around 10-15 minutes later to see if the concert was over yet. She posted herself in her car waving out the window. So I guess it was over.

I was thinking of messaging her to ask who she went to see but I kinda didn't want to because I haven't seen her in so long and I wanted to avoid being awkward. So I stalked her story in hopes of finding something that I could use to look up the people and figure out who they are instead. Not the best alternative but good enough. In her last snap I could see a trailer looking thing but I couldn't make out what it said. I just saw that it had an S and something blue in the middle.

Fine. I go on to her instagram account and see if she posted something yet. no luck. I check her spam account. still no luck. I check her tagged posts on both accounts but I still can't find anything. I check who she's following on her main account but she's only following 20 people. I look through them but they're all familiar so no. I check her spam and she's following 179 people. I skim through them and can't seem to find anything. I try looking up an S on the search bar that appears when you're looking through someone's following page. It was 30 people that came up.

I look through them, some being random people from her school, others being celebrities. I was going to pass and try looking through somewhere else when something caught my eye. It was an S with something blue in the middle.
Apparently it was a family band that lives in Illinois, which is weird because I live here too and I've never heard of them.

I stalk their page and a few posts down is him. He's really in a band. I really got my wallet stolen by some dude in a band. I stalked their socials for a bit and found out that they were just playing a small gig that they booked today. I found out that the dudes name is Adam and that he is 17.

After a while of stalking I decided to call it a night and got ready for bed. I wasn't expecting a call because it was almost 11pm and you can imagine my surprise when I did
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I hope you enjoyed :)) part 3 will be up either tomorrow or later today I'm not sure yet but stay tuned 🙃.

The Guy In The Band (SM6 story)(not updating anymore)Where stories live. Discover now